By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 22:40 - United States

Today, I was on the bus going to formal for my sorority. I was sitting in the 5th row of the bus when I felt raindrops on my face coming through the open window. I then realized it wasn't raining, but the girl in the 1st row was throwing up out her window and it was coming back in through my window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 39

Top comments

itlybabe 0

i would have thrown up. that is so gross

cement_mixer 0

whoever said you deserved that is a bitch


I agree with #5. Why do people press YDI randomly?

Latino_Swimmer 0

The wittiest and most thoughtful comment yet! haha

Youraddiction 0

Some people are so ignorant about greek life and the only exposure they have is that of the main stream frat parties. 1.) THe money you invest doesnt go to the brothers or sisters of the Org, it goes to the people who file your paper work and to parafanalia that you are given with your letters onit and what not. 2) if you say " you used a frat" to drink and get easy pussy it must mean that your not intelligent enough to do that somewhere else.

#72: I was not recruited with alcohol. In fact, when I joined my brotherhood... there wasn't alcohol even present around me until several weeks after i accepted my bid. Even at that point... It was understood that alcohol is to be used in a responsible matter. I'm not in a silly little club. I didn't join for friends... I joined so I could become a better person and help out those around me. The money I pay into my fraternity is far more than a slush fund, or a social skills test. It's to keep our organization alive, insurance protection, and scholarships for school. Sorry the greek life at your school is a mess. Please don't have the mind set that every organization dispersed around the nation is like that.

Seriously? This was just a FML moment and everyone starts commenting on it dissing sororities for no reason. My sister was the one who wrote this, and it happened to her the other night. It's hilarious, that's all. :)

oh EW wtf; i would have run away from the seat D: