By gmarina789 - 27/01/2011 11:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I was out with my boyfriend, and I had an epileptic fit. He had never seen me have one, and it freaked him out. He rang me later to dump me, as he didn't want to go out with someone who acted like a 'spaz' in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 506
You deserved it 4 222

gmarina789 tells us more.

Hey guys, thanks for posting all your comments, I have read them all. Firstly i'd like to say that epilepsy is a condition that can't be helped, so i'm kind of stuck with it and its not necessarily genetic. I am proud of who I am and I wouldn't change who I am even if I could. Secondly, I did tell my ex that I had epilepsy, I told him straight away so he was aware of my condition; to not tell him would have been unfair. Thirdly thanks to all the people who understand what its like and have written messages of support, I really appreciate it. To those who have written 'negative' comments, you are entitled to your own opinion, just don't share it with me. Being called a 'spaz' or saying that 'i'm sick' or 'not normal' is uncalled for. I'm currently studying Medicine at Birmingham Uni to try and help those like me, and all i'm going to say is how ironic would it be if one of you who have said i'm 'not normal' came into a hospital where I was working and I saved your life...I guess you wouldn't be saying stuff then. Again, thanks for all the positive comments :)


I have epilepsy and I am so ******* disgusted right now. My boyfriend has seen me fit twice and is super supportive. I hope you find a guy that will support you.

conholio33 28

Thats sucks OP you dont deserve that you need someone who accepts you for who you are. Also someone who will take the time to understand epilespy

I had a friend when I was younger who had epilepsy and her mom insisted on teaching me what to do if it happened while she was hanging out with me. I loved the fact that her mom educated me in case it happened. She never did have one around me (thank god because that would be scary and I'm not 100% if I would have been able to do anything in the moment) When I was younger than that, my dad had a grand mal seizure and I thought he was dying. I was maybe in grade 6 and it was one of the scariest moments of my life. We didn't know what was happening at the time though. I'm glad you guys talked about what happened and are friends now though :)

Ladies and gentlemen, the bottom of the barrel.

There's a guy out there that will accept your epilepsy and want anything for you to feel safe! I can tell you this because I have epilepsy too and understand. He is an ignorant jerk for saying and doing that!

I have epilepsy and my ex used to say I was faking it because she didn't want to deal with my "problems". Also once I was at the hospital for pain and they had me in a wheelchair and I had a seizure and the nurse came over and started poking me hard in the chest (I know that because she was still doing it when I woke) and when I woke up she asked me what happened, I said I had a seizure. I am epileptic. She said no i wasn't and that it wasn't a seizure because it didn't last long enough and I came out too quickly. She started yelling at me and berating me. A doctor whom I see regularly there came out and started bitching her out and said it was in my file that I was and that there are many different kind of seizures and that how she acted was uncalled for. I was sitting on the floor crying and did not even want to be seen. I am sorry OP that you had to go through that. Some people do not understand seizures even medical "professionals".

My ex was an epileptic with seizures ranging from almost day dreamy to gran mal, the first time I witnessed was...different but we dated for several years. There's a bit if responsibility that can go on with dating but "men" can handle this. I wish you the best and good luck. Although I'm curious if you've had children and if you have did you go into a fit towards the end.

Wow, what a douche! I guess the now ex-boyfriend had better hope that nothing bad ever happens to him, like an autoimmune disease or cancer or a devastating injury, or by his logic the girlfriend he's then with will be justified in dumping him.