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By hawaiiansokkrboi - 19/04/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I was practicing soccer at my school. My team was practicing penalty kicks. It was my turn up and this cute girl that I like was watching off ten feet away from the goal. I was running to take the kick when I slipped and kicked the ball. It hit her head and now she won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 341
You deserved it 10 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i agree with number one... it was an accident, for her to be so upset that she won't talk to you over an accident shows that shes probably just a bitch.

fonebone10 0

Awww... Middle School love...


turtlellama 0

So... practice soccer? [first =]]

i agree with number one... it was an accident, for her to be so upset that she won't talk to you over an accident shows that shes probably just a bitch.

fonebone10 0

Awww... Middle School love...

abcdefg11233 0

Ouch. Sucks hardcore. I agree with #1 though.

#2, you're not first. (Also, why does it matter?) And did you miss the 'slipped' part? Practice all you want, but accidents do happen.

turtlellama 0

Oh, whoops. But anyway, the girl probably didn't believe him because that kind of aim (when you're slipping) is nearly impossible.

turtlellama 0

(Does the other #1 keep appearing and disappearing for anybody else?)

Um . . . how could she not have ducked?! Unless you have super-human strength or she was standing only a couple feet away, if she had been paying any attention to you at all, she would have had plenty of time to duck. Unless she got some mental deficiencies you didn't mention. :-)