By sacredsilence29 - 16/02/2010 21:16 - United States
sacredsilence29 tells us more.
LOL. WoW. It's amazing how much peoples opinions change. Let's see to anwser a few remarks. No I didnt get fired, the car is getting fixed and paid for so the customer pays nothing, and when I told him he asked me to have them touch up all the other spots while they had the paint mixed. The snow bank was only a few inches so it wasnt like I was trying to drive up a mountain with an M5 and telling him that I did it was the respectful thing to do, thanks. That's part of my job is moving cars around and when it snows shit happens! That's what insurance is for....
Top comments
what are you? a car theif? mechanic? valet?
It's times like this when I really love the fact that I live in Texas...
ydi for assuming dumbass
I loved to hear the conversation with the owner. Worker: I crashed your car Car Owner: WTF is your problem bitch! Worker: That'll be $1000 sir.
lol ya it would be ****** hilarious
it means "You Deserve It."
what's op mean
op- original poster
omg congrats!
what does omg mean?
OMG= Ovulating Midget Gerbils.
he was at work, icall_bs. you, sir, are a noobnut beyond belief.
ydi for trying to jump snow banks in customers' cars
it says "shop" as in "car shop" like mechanic.
what does rofl mean?
haha yesssssss his man on the moon is amazing:D
I don't get it....
Man on the Moon is Kid Cudi's album.
Yeh dogma, I didn't laugh. I'm confused
Wtf lmao I didn't post to this?
^shut the **** up
Don't drive over snow banks.
Now we wait for the sexist remarks..
Because we all know it is gonna happen
uhoh, it's the Feminazis!
I should be capitalized.
Release the rednecks!
demoon, that was the second comment ever that made me laugh. You deserve a cookie.
Lol. What flavor is the cookie?
Ones with crunchy peanut butter and chocolate chips in them. The best kind.
Hell ya!
no demoon! it's a snickerdoodle!

Now we wait for the sexist remarks..
Don't drive over snow banks.