By seriously - 14/04/2018 01:30

Today, I was spoken to by my boss about an argument I had gotten into with my co-worker, saying I needed to be "respectful of others' beliefs" and less "close-minded." The argument was over whether or not the Earth was flat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 879
You deserved it 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DreadGravity 10

for the love of god please tell me you were the one that was on the round side

Don’t be close-minded, be closed-mouthed. There’s no way to win with idiot flat-earthers. You are just wasting time and effort in a futile pursuit. How will society benefit if you get one moron to admit that the Earth is nearly spherical?


Hey guys this is the OP. The particular co-worker is a real piece of work. He's a conspiracy theorist, borderline misogynist, and is totally detached from reality, constantly babbling on about how the devil is corrupting our society, the freemasons and even says completely ignorant stuff like how AA is a scam and alcoholics need to "just stop drinking and get over it." I had gotten into the argument with him and clearly explained how the Earth was round and how an idiot could see it with his own two eyes, but he kept dismissing my valid facts with his own pseudoscience and just laughed at me, saying I "needed to grow up and see the world as it is" And the only reason I was even spoken to is because this guy and my boss have been friends since middle school, and is the ONLY reason he even still has a job. It wasn't a serious talk, but it still annoyed me.

OP, as you already found out, you can't fix stupid. Just reply "Whatever" every time! :-)

Lobby_Bee 17

Tell him you'll eat your own foot if he can find the edge of earth. Should be an interesting bet.

Can i interest you in my belief that workhours are actually 45 minutes long?

never argue with an idiot, theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

I had a conversation with my coworker about another coworker fighting with the manager and the doctor thought we was fighting we was just talking so I understand your pain

Your co worker is a moron and a tattletale

Dusclops2002 9

Can't believe we still have to deal with round earthers, lol. /s

Your colleague is entitled to his own opinions; he is not entitled to his own facts. But there's no point arguing with idiots, so you may as well just ignore the guy as much as possible.

ilovecats 8

I hope you're looking for a new job.