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By seriously - 14/04/2018 01:30

Today, I was spoken to by my boss about an argument I had gotten into with my co-worker, saying I needed to be "respectful of others' beliefs" and less "close-minded." The argument was over whether or not the Earth was flat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 880
You deserved it 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DreadGravity 10

for the love of god please tell me you were the one that was on the round side

Don’t be close-minded, be closed-mouthed. There’s no way to win with idiot flat-earthers. You are just wasting time and effort in a futile pursuit. How will society benefit if you get one moron to admit that the Earth is nearly spherical?


DreadGravity 10

for the love of god please tell me you were the one that was on the round side

Don’t be close-minded, be closed-mouthed. There’s no way to win with idiot flat-earthers. You are just wasting time and effort in a futile pursuit. How will society benefit if you get one moron to admit that the Earth is nearly spherical?

The problem with this statement is the fact that we do not know what side she was on.

I think I got it right. The flat-earther side doesn’t call the round-earthers “close-minded,” they call them “gullible” and “mindless sheep who buy into the gubbermint conspiracy!”

My grandfather used to say, "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig."

I have accepted that people can be extremely stupid and ignorant of science...but flat earthers are so extreme that I find it hard to believe that they aren't just all trolling.

azouwa 26

I researched it, because I thought they were trolling too. I believe sources say 2% of them seriously believe the Earth is flat. Something about religion. If the earth is round then Jesus isn't real so the Earth must be flat... I don't understand those dumb asses either...

CrazyTrainWreck 19

What in the world is going on here?

I don't know what pisses me off more Flat-Earthers or Anti-Vaxers. Unfortunately for me my younger brother IS BOTH.

Just convince him that vaccines are a ploy to turn humanity into livestock, perpetuated by the mole people on the underside of the earth.

Also tell him that vaccines are being funded by aliens who are offering money to the reptile-overlords that operate the Illuminati, in the hopes that future Earthlings will be completely convinced the Moon Landings were fake, thus sending Space Exploration funding into the ground and allowing an easier alien invasion when they decide that human anuses are ripe for probing.

come on now, maybe we should be a little more accepting of flat earthers. i mean they have supporters all around the globe.

Tony Friddle 11

he is kinda right tho, let them be ignorant and don't waste your breath.

Earth is a ******* cube, everyone knows that!

No, I'm pretty sure the Earth is a triangular pyramid. I would know, I am after all an astrology major.

Translation: We're not paying you to argue with morons. Shut the **** up and get on with your work.