Debate bro

By Fuck Trump. - 03/05/2021 14:01

Today, after a supervisor, who is a Donald Trump fanatic, kept pestering us with the subject, I decided to debate with him, never swearing or disrespecting him at all. I was fired, presumably for disrespecting a supervisor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 986
You deserved it 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Politics and work are a delicate mix. With a Trump supporter, you're risking it all.

mando 10

Trump is pretty lame, but doesn't seem like a firing offence. Avoid politics in the workplace.


Politics and work are a delicate mix. With a Trump supporter, you're risking it all.

phybreawptic 13

With a political fanatic period, you're risking it all. You shouldn't generalize a group based on the worst example.

No matter how chill your work group is politics can make people explode. I've had to break up altercations on both sides.

mando 10

Trump is pretty lame, but doesn't seem like a firing offence. Avoid politics in the workplace.

Sweetie 5

You don't discuss politics or religion at work. Tough lesson to learn.

I've been fired from some places for some pretty dumb reasons. Allow yourself to feel your true emotions, and have peace knowing that you don't cling to the same old relics of the past like your former supervisor. It does seem unfair that they are still there and you're not, but look on the brightside, you both have the same President

phybreawptic 13

You gotta avoid "the subject" at all costs. That's a topic so dangerous you can only call it "the subject."

Jessika Jensen 7

Do you see the world we are living in today? Unfortunately, there are topics that send people into a frenzy. Politics, Law Enforcement, Laws.. I could go on. Just about anything sends people to the edge. I do not feel that you should of been fired. That was absolutely abuse of power. Not to mention..huge ego.

randybryant799 20

You can never win when talking to a trump fanatic. They're all nuts.