By random - 29/04/2013 21:11 - Canada

Today, I was taking a dump in the bathroom. The lights turned off and I was too embarrassed to come out of the stall. The janitor walked in, turned the lights on and asked If anyone was there. I stayed quiet. He turned the lights back off and locked me in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 208
You deserved it 64 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplysarcastics 26

Why are you embarrassed! isn't the bathroom meant to be used!!!

And you're even more embarrass to call for help. You're still locked in the restroom aren't you?


simplysarcastics 26

Why are you embarrassed! isn't the bathroom meant to be used!!!

Yeah, everybody poops. There's even a book about it. The only reason you'd be that embarrassed is if you were really masterbating in that public washroom..

Those are some angry need to yell #1...

I can see how the second sentence is a hypothetical question but the first one isn't? "Why are you embarrassed?" Could easily have an answer and is therefore a question

Mods fix the post: * too embarrassed

Excuse me, rhetorical* not hypothetical

21 technically they are questions. Any sentence that begins with who, what, when, where, why and how is a question. Inb4 no shit Sherlock.

"WHAT I want to do on the other side with WHO I want and WHERE I want is none of your business. WHEN I go I don't want you to know HOW, or even WHY I decided to cross the road." - The Chicken Yeah those weren't questions

Bakarra- Your order has arrived. One swift kick in the nuts.

Those were very much in fact questions...not our problem he forgot to use correct punctuation.

simplysarcastics 26

Cool and yeah I forgot two silly questions marks!! Goodness gracious, please tell me how it affected your life so greatly. Everyone still knows what I meant. But technically I was stating facts not asking, simply because I already know the answers to my questions.

Nobody here was upset, you just used exclamation points so I said not to yell...a joke...

simplysarcastics 26

Lol I wasn't talking to you Bakara.

Nothing to really be embarrassed of we all gotta go sometimes! Better responding then getting locked in!

I don't think it's so much the embarrassment of being in the loo (though that is embarassing enough for some people) as it is that OP was in the loo long enough for the light to turn off. That IS embarassing, even when it's the light's fault for being on a ridiculously short timer. Plus, it doesn't actually say that the janitor said 'I'm the janitor and I want to lock up'. I'm assuming he literally just said 'anyone in there?' otherwise OP would have said something. So he wasn't really to know what consequences not answering would have - he was probably just trying to ignore what he thought was a random bathroom creep.

anonymous100000 17

OP, YDI big time. don't go running to people saying FML when you PUT YOURSELF in that situation.

Your comment belongs in the toilet man. So overused, it's dead and needs to be flushed away...

And you're even more embarrass to call for help. You're still locked in the restroom aren't you?

Seriously? I can understand it being awkward, but come on. All you had to do was say "yes." What, was the janitor going to hang around waiting for you to finish just so he could make fun of you for executing a simple bodily function that everyone does when you came out of the stall?

Exactly! I have social anxiety, but I'd be more worried about getting locked in and having to draw attention to myself by having to call for help or being discovered when the Janitor unlocked the door the following morning.

RedPillSucks 31

I'm confused as to why the janitor would lock the bathroom door, unless OP was in the bathroom well after closing time.

Wizardo 33

Dude, everyone takes dumps no need to be embarrassed... these people always seem to be in the dark about this.

LO388 7

"We have the popular 'everybody poops', and the less popular 'nobody poops but you.'" "Well, you see, we're Catholic..." "In that case, you'll want 'You're a naughty boy and that's concentrated evil coming out of your backside.'"

toxophilia 6

Well, what did you expect was going to happen?

You had difficulty formulating a one word response where you could retain anonymity. How do you function on a day to day basis?

maryiah 21

Well, at least you didn't get locked in some place without a toilet.

And there's water, so you'll be good for just under a week at least OP.

Nothing like good ol toilet water to keep you going!

dreamtosing 15
JessiKitty_lol 7

OP, what did you expect to happen? Obviously if he thinks there's no one in there, he is going to lock it up. YDI.