By random - 29/04/2013 21:11 - Canada

Today, I was taking a dump in the bathroom. The lights turned off and I was too embarrassed to come out of the stall. The janitor walked in, turned the lights on and asked If anyone was there. I stayed quiet. He turned the lights back off and locked me in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 208
You deserved it 64 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplysarcastics 26

Why are you embarrassed! isn't the bathroom meant to be used!!!

And you're even more embarrass to call for help. You're still locked in the restroom aren't you?


01Ben21 10

Dude, everyone has to take the Browns to the Super Bowl at some point! Shouldn't be embarrassed.

So you're telling us you had not only one, but TWO chances to NOT get locked inside the bathroom, and still managed to do so? Yeah, you kinda deserved it.

Normally a lock works two ways. If he had a key to lock you in, you should be able to turn the lock from the inside and get out. Op seems like the kinda person that would get locked in their own vehicle.

with the windows open. and oh no its starting to rain.

Lil_Red777 21

Ummm....why didn't you say something? YDI completely

The_Pug 5

I know that you must have felt embarrassed and the longer you didn't say anything the worse it felt, but ignore that feeling and just say something. If you live your life like that then you'll miss out on lots of things.

TVKill3r 15

Don't ignore janitors. That's the most annoying thing you can do.

cthighlander 3

I don't understand. Why would the bathroom need to be locked up at night?

alluringtatas 7

That happened to me, I have IBS and was in a stall a long time so the auto lights shut off. When someone came in they took the stall next to me, not realizing I was in there. It was really awkward and I was scared to make any noise. As she finished and stood up, a sneeze suddenly came out of me. She dropped her purse, screamed out, "What the ****!" And I couldn't help but break out into nervous laughter. She ran out and got a security guard who met me when I left the bathroom and sternly escorted me off the premises. FML lol :) Don't sweat it, you were in a very awkward position.