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By Anonymous - 01/12/2018 11:00 - United Kingdom - Maidenhead

Today, I was trying on wedding dresses and didn't realise I had started my period. I managed to ruin 6 dresses before I noticed. The company wants me to pay for them. I can't afford it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 291
You deserved it 1 417

Top comments

unless it was running out of you like a faucet or you had been sitting down in each dress I really doubt this is true.

doubtful, the person assisting you would of noticed nearly immediately. and you've never heard of underwear? this just seems made up


doubtful, the person assisting you would of noticed nearly immediately. and you've never heard of underwear? this just seems made up

It doesn’t matter if you had panties on because period always soaks through everything no matter how much clothes you have on. That’s why we have tampons and pads for that to keep period from soaking through our panties and clothes.

kricket5 19

True, but is she so dense she didn’t notice wet panties? In order to ruin 6 dresses, her undies would’ve been completely soaked in blood.

You must be a man. Underwear isn't a magic force that can stop your period lol. But yeah, someone surely would've noticed before she ruined 6 dresses.

medyas 11

Plus, the OP is in the UK and they are *desperate* for tabloid stories. You know it would have been in all the papers!

When a period comes, underwear alone doesn't cut it. She needed a pad. She might have come on early.

It doesnt soak through a dress you try on for 5-10 minutes at the most lol. Periods are not the nigariafall... it’s mlre of a drizzle? Sure, it can soak through things if the person doesn’t find out, but just no?

I am also doubtful about what happened and how no one caught on until 6 dresses later. The employee is responsible for assisting their customers with getting into and out of the dress, so they come in close contact with both the dress and customer. Before trying on another dress, they are also responsible for putting it back on the hanger after adjusting it back to its original shape. It seems to me that the store might be out to get OP to make some sales in one transaction.

" The employee is responsible for assisting their customers with getting into and out of the dress, so they come in close contact with both the dress and customer" The employee is definitely responsible for handing over and for rehanging the dress but it's part of the brides entourage job to help the bride into and out of the dress. What women do you know that allow total strangers working at shop to help them dress and undress? I mean either way the employee would have had to screw up by not double checking the dresses before returning them, I mean what if the OP had simply damaged one in the process of getting dressed, they are responsible for looking. I just mean that the Employee is unlikely to have been helping the OP get in or out of the dress and wouldn't have been in as close of contact with the OP as you seem to suggest.

seriously? you didn't notice any extra wetness while walking/moving around? this sounds fake to me.

unless it was running out of you like a faucet or you had been sitting down in each dress I really doubt this is true.

Any blood on the dress would've been enough to make her be charged

keeks 5

Well that's just a bloody shame!

I’ve never gotten my period so fast that I didn’t notice it in time to ruin 6 dresses. Maybe a pair of undies....

Itsbeenalong 5

If this is true then you deserve to be made to pay for the dresses, or at least to have them professionally cleaned. There's no way you didn't notice before leaking on that many dresses. Literally so trashy! Periods don't just start without warning either you must have had a clue you were due on.

pheonixfire13 17

They probably won’t let her have them cleaned, as they are now not only used but have been exposed to a biohazard

"Periods don't just start without warning either you must have had a clue you were due on. " You are either the luckiest woman on the planet, a man, or just don't understand that different bodies work differently. My period starts one of two ways, with three days of being completely sick prior to start or abruptly out of nowhere. I can start on literally any day between the 1 and 31 of the month and the point when I started the month before doesn't mean a damn thing. I could start on the 1 of November and ended on the fifth but then have my next period start on December 31st. Or I could start on November 4 end by the tenth and have my period start again November 30. I can be sitting at work totally fine and ten minutes later have blood showing through my pants even though I just got off my damn period a week and a half ago. I have been to the doctor and had things checked and I'm fine as far as all that goes, I just have a period that doesn't give a damn about the supposed schedule it is supposed to have.

Are you not on birth control? That’d take care of that

I am actually, it did not take care of it. If anything it kind of made the issue worse because now PMS includes major dizziness.

I totally agree. My period is very unpredictable and I never have warning signs. I also sometimes don’t feel it right away when it starts. I don’t believe this FML is true. But I do understand not realizing you’ve started.

Gabbz737 12

my periods start without warning. Unfortunately I couldn't time them either because I had an irregular period. It wasn't until I got on birth control that it all changed. I do think though she should have noticed by the first or second dress.

Time to cut your wedding budget a bit more.... Sucks that happened but if you can't afford to pay for ruined dresses that took you going through six before you or they said anything?

I means dresses can be 6 grand each or a lot more. It is outrageous to expect anyone to pay for 6. they just have some sort of insurance

If you ruin them you should have to pay for them, it doesn’t matter the cost

chessu 21

Never have I ever had a period start so unexpectedly that I immediately leak through my clothes. The first day is usually a warning spotting and even if it isn't, you should vaguely know when it's due (especially when planning a wedding and dress shopping!) and it's very unlikely that with such a heavy flow (apparently) you get no other symptoms like sore breasts or general moodiness etc. the days before to alert you. Fine, perhaps I've been lucky and it does happen to other women out there, but you were changing dresses! It's not like you sat down or stood still in one outfit with no visuals at any point. Calling BS on this one.

Watch out, we might get reported to FML for saying this is fake. Something about each one is verified, I’m not sure. But I got a warning from FML once, about that. Seriously, OP, you didn’t get any cramping? Hmm...

medyas 11

Nope, no verification whatsoever. How could they?

I have pcos and my period can come for 3 weeks or not come for 3 months. and it starts so heavy. not everyone knows when they're due to get it, and not everyone just spots.

Watch out, we might get reported to FML for saying that this is fake. Something about each one is verified, I'm not sure. But I got a warning from FML once, about that. Seriously, OP, you didn't get any cramping? Hmm…

Who else should pay for the damage? Buy the dresses, get them professionally cleaned and sell them online. You might have invented a new Internet business. (Well, I just invented it, but you can have it.)