By StephLo - 18/08/2014 21:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was waiting at a stop light in the left turn lane, when a homeless guy on the sidewalk walked up to my car with a, "Bet you can't hit me with a quarter" sign. The lady on my right decided to throw a quarter at him, but it missed and hit my windshield. She yelled, "Oh fuck!" and drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 945
You deserved it 3 053

StephLo_fml tells us more.

No windshield damage that I could see, just sort of startling that she would throw a coin two lanes away during heavy traffic -___-

Top comments

If you are sadistic enough OP, you could find the lady and have her drawn and quartered.

By the sounds of it, it seems like she damaged your windshield. I hope that's not the case though. But I have to admit that is a clever sign, I now know what to do if I ever become homeless.


I hope it didn't cause any real damage mate. Take it easy.

People are ass holes hopefully the homeless man got the quarter that was thrown at your car. Also, I hope your car is okay.

Since we are on the topic of homeless with signs. Why is it most of them happened to be Caucasians? I apologize for sounding racist but I'm just curious to know why?

knippy 9

There's a higher mortality rate of other races with mental disorders partially due to poverty and living in high crime rate areas and most homeless people are homeless due to mental disorders such as: PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar, ect.. Also, for a while most of the military was Caucasian. In the next few years we will probably see more homeless black males due to their significant increase in military activity.

91hayek 31

My mom is like that; over reacting at the slightest social faux pas and then causing an even bigger scene. That lady could have caused an accident over 25 cents. Unless she actually cracked your windshield, in which case I applaud her throwing power, if not her accuracy.

any metal object thrown at a car could damage it, it wouldn't break the windscreen, but it might chip it

Does that mean the homeless man won the bet?

NeonSteps 14

the lady that threw might post the same fml haha