By Anonymous - 19/08/2014 00:23 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 24/10/2011 10:07 - United States
By TriangularBanana - 06/05/2016 21:45 - United States - Cypress
By Iron11 - 14/06/2016 20:52
By FranchezDeVista - 30/08/2015 18:29 - Canada - Toronto
Smooth criminal
By Anonymous - 28/04/2012 01:55 - United States - Darien
By Dannnn - 10/06/2021 10:59
By thanksmom - 20/07/2010 00:23 - United States
By BrokeAsAJoke - 29/03/2009 13:38 - United States
By Mark - 13/08/2009 22:30 - United States
By mighthavepaidfortwodates - 28/03/2019 22:00
Top comments
I guess you didn't steal her heart then?
Nah, he stole her soul (que dramatic music)
I thought it was "cue" in this context
It is pretty incredible that she stole the wallet, took the money out and then put it back. I'm surprised she didn't steal his virginity at the same time without him noticing. ..
Were you so sad that you decided to get drunk and talk to your empty wallet in front of a police officer?
you're right. queue is like waiting in a line and cue means something happens.
oo. that sucks.
Yeah, either way she was going to take his money. Whether it be dinner, gifts, and dates, or stealing it. Darn girls.
But that pro pic^^
And how do you steal money out of someone's wallet without you noticing? I get stealing the whole wallet but...
I'm wondering how the money was stolen as well. If you're having a conversation with someone, I don't see how they can steal money from you without you noticing. If it was her, then that is one hell of a thief right there.
Maybe his wallet was in his jacket pocket. Then he had to go to the toilet.
Ouch. Better luck next out for those money grubbers out there.
That's awful. Karma will get her good. I hope you didn't have a lot of money on you!! I'd be totally interested in a follow up. I wonder how she did that without OP noticing... I'd notice if someone reached into my purse :/
Could have been worse, you could've spent more on a costly date with her. Still sucks that she stole your money though. Are you sure it's her and you didn't misplace your money?
Exactly. Unless the OP had a fair bit of cash in his wallet, it probably cost less to have the money stolen than it would have cost to go on the few dates you'd need in order to find out she's a thief.
I agree, at least OP had it stolen once and not wasted on a girl who has dodgy intentions. Unless she didn't steal it and OP blew his chance at a second conversation... we'll never know unless we get a follow up!
Looks like you should stop liking her.
Looks like she didn't only steal your heart.
I ain't telling you she's a gold digger....
But she ain't messin' with no broke niggas! Probably the only song I actually like by Kanye West...

I guess you didn't steal her heart then?
how do you know it was her?