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By Anonymous - 18/10/2011 06:55 - United States

Today, I was washing my hands in the bathroom when I looked up and saw a spider on my cheek. Panicking, I slapped myself in the face as hard as I could to kill it. Turns out the spider was on the mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 231
You deserved it 41 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the brightside your pimp hand's warmed up.

jjames7543 13

I would have loved to have seen you do that


ikickgingers 15

I started singing itsy bitsy spider when I read this. Now, it's stuck in my head. Damn.

ikickgingers 15


olpally 32

Re-word your comment 15... Idk how anyone understands that.. Lol

If you're looking at a mirror, what you technically saw was a spider "on your face" standing on top of the feet of another spider. If that wasn't enough to cue you that something wasn't quite as it seemed...

leadman1989 15

Spiderception!! I think this would have been a very quick reaction not enough time to even process anything logically.

And the first slap not working wasn't additional clue enough? "Started slapping", not just "slapped". And oh man, I'm kind of glad you made the Inception joke, because I wanted to but just couldn't find the nerve.

leadman1989 15

You know its just easier to call you stupid. -family guy (Brian)

mintcar 9

I once saw a spider crawling on the rim of my glasses. I don't even know how it got there but I remember freaking the **** out.

chokolatecandie1 6

I do tht to my wife all the time she hates tht

You put spiders on her mirror or slap her?

If it had been on your face, please tell me why you couldn't have just flicked it off? Brushed it off? Gently picked it off? No, you had to try to smash it. Thank God it wasn't some small child you were attempting to help.... "There's a spider on your cheek, let me get it off of you!" "SMACK!!!!!!!!!!" -- dial -- "Hello 911? I have a small child that is unconscious and bleeding from the nose and mouth, missing several teeth. Please hurry!"

ShroomsOnAcid 16

I'm guessing they're afraid of spiders. When you're afraid of something, say, a random dude who breaks into your house with an axe, you don't just gently remove him from the property, you grab the most pain inflicting object in sight and attempt to smash him with it.