By *sigh* - 23/05/2010 01:24 - United States

Today, I was working as a counsellor at a special needs camp when one of the parents came up to my friend and asked her what my disorder was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 897
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Well, it would be worse if she told your friend, "It's nice that there's a place to help treat people like her *points to OP*. Obviously she would have difficulty functioning with the rest of society. Here these people don't have to worry about being ridiculed by the ignorant."

So? She didn't know. You were at a special needs camp but didn't expect people to think that the majority of the people there had special needs. How was she supposed to know you weren't one of them?


I work with tards too. it happens all the time. people aren't sure if you're a tard or not cause some look normal. like people with aspbeurgers, or other disorders.

You work with "tards"? What the Hell is wrong with you? You should be fired immediately.

Yep. Tards. Why do you think MMR is? Medical Mental Retardation.

Heh. MMR? The only MMR I've heard of is the vaccine for Measles, Mumps and, Rubella. There is however, MRDD: Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. I am aware that the word "Retardation" is used but you shouldn't turn it into a derogatory term. Have some compassion.

Don't feel bad. You are so "normal" that she could not figure out what your disorder might be, and that is why she inquired.

sk8ergirl553 0

maybe they asked because the disorder was hard to see! unless you're like stupid or offense to ppl with disorders

There's obviously something wrong with you if you bring your friend to work with you.

Unless her friend happens to work there too or perhaps is a friend she made when she started working at the camp.

Chibi... you sound like the analytical type, someone that carefully considers all the possibilities. You should work on changing your attitude. Guys don't usually go for analytical chicks.

jra808 0

as I was scrolling down & reading comments I realized how much doucebags we have on this planet....and also retards not including u tho

MoJoThundRpants 0

umm, maybe she thought sinve it was a special needs camp, the counselors had a disorder too.