By bubblooz - 03/04/2014 02:01 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I was working at a coffee shop. I was serving a customer when a cockroach appeared out of nowhere, and I screamed. Customers aren't supposed to know about the bugs so I had to lie and say I spilled coffee on myself, and served the customer while I felt the bug climbing up my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 195
You deserved it 10 093

bubblooz tells us more.

Hey! it's the OP posting. I'm very surprised this got posted. Here is some information about the fml/my job. 1) We had a health inspector come last week and our place passed the exam. We are actually a very clean place. 2) The bug problem is being taken care of. There are traps all over the place and a pest control guy is coming in soon. Bugs are very hard to get rid of. Once eggs are laid, they will stay there forever. And the place used to be a KFC. 3) We barely see the bugs actually crawling around. That's a reason why I screamed, it was my first time actually seeing one. 4) Bugs do not go in the drinks or food. Customers watch me make their lattes, pour their coffee, heat their wraps, etc. 5)Even if the health inspector didn't come, if I was to complain and the place shut down- me and all my coworkers would lose our income. Also, typically every food place has their dirty secrets like this. Welcome to the food industry. 4) I am only 16 years old, however I need this job. I can't afford to quit. I pay my cell phone bill and majority of my necessities, and I am saving up for university. 5) I have been looking for a new job for a few months. I am handing out resumes constantly at malls and applying online. It's not easy... especially because I'm a part time student with little experience. The moment I have another job, I will give my two weeks notice in. And also, this experience was horrifying. I screamed so loud I startled the customers. I hate bugs. Once I was finished serving the customer I ran to the bathroom, got the bug off me, and then adjusted my pants so I could tuck them into my boots. I appreciate all the comments and the funny jokes!

Top comments

Sounds like a horrible place if they hide a bug problem instead of fixing it.

Beepbeep7 14

That is absolutely disgusting. The health department should be informed if it's bad enough for you to say 'the bugs'


Oh gawd this would have been torture. I use to work in a place where we had to do the same thing...pretend they didn't exist. It was tough when i had never even encountered any before then. Good luck. Maybe look for a different job. Or call the inspectors to come check things out.

frizz101 22

OP you should make an anonymous call to the health inspector.

Put in an "anonymous" tip to the health department. Roaches are disgusting and should not be in any establishment that serves food.

luvdolphin 9

"customers aren't supposed to know about the bugs" ...sounds pretty sketchy. but it's not your fault op. FYL

Hey! it's the OP posting. I'm very surprised this got posted. Here is some information about the fml/my job. 1) We had a health inspector come last week and our place passed the exam. We are actually a very clean place. 2) The bug problem is being taken care of. There are traps all over the place and a pest control guy is coming in soon. Bugs are very hard to get rid of. Once eggs are laid, they will stay there forever. And the place used to be a KFC. 3) We barely see the bugs actually crawling around. That's a reason why I screamed, it was my first time actually seeing one. 4) Bugs do not go in the drinks or food. Customers watch me make their lattes, pour their coffee, heat their wraps, etc. 5)Even if the health inspector didn't come, if I was to complain and the place shut down- me and all my coworkers would lose our income. Also, typically every food place has their dirty secrets like this. Welcome to the food industry. 4) I am only 16 years old, however I need this job. I can't afford to quit. I pay my cell phone bill and majority of my necessities, and I am saving up for university. 5) I have been looking for a new job for a few months. I am handing out resumes constantly at malls and applying online. It's not easy... especially because I'm a part time student with little experience. The moment I have another job, I will give my two weeks notice in. And also, this experience was horrifying. I screamed so loud I startled the customers. I hate bugs. Once I was finished serving the customer I ran to the bathroom, got the bug off me, and then adjusted my pants so I could tuck them into my boots. I appreciate all the comments and the funny jokes!

I hope you get a job you like soon.

WD_Stevens 22

I feel your pain, sister. I have a horrible thing for spiders. Not 10min ago I was going through clothes in my drawers and a spider fell right onto my bare foot. I screamed like a little girl and just ran for the hills :P

It's true about how restaurants can be surprisingly gross. At my old job we had a problem with fruit flies and moths, and there were like 3 times when someone found a spider in their food (still alive). Just because it looks clean doesn't mean it is. OP, you did a much better job keeping your calm than I would have. If there was a bug crawling up my pants, I would freak the heck out.

frizz101 22

I've worked a lot in the food industry and not one of them had a bug problem. I can understand the cell phone bill and saving up for university, but what other necessary expenses does a 16 year old have?

^school, food, clothes, transpiration. Believe it or not not every parent pays for everything their child needs, for many possible reasons. Not saying she has to pay for all but it's very possible she pays for some of them. it's very naive to think every 16 year old has no expenses of their own to look after.

The glue traps are a good idea. I don't favor them for rodents (those guys deserve to have their necks cleanly and quickly snapped) but I've never seen anything more effective on roaches than glue traps (not even poison).

#144 praying dearly you meant 'transportation'. It's odd to think anyone would have sweat as an expense.

Sweat is perspiration. Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from plants. Way to fail at correcting somebody.

For the person asking about what expenses a 16 year old has.. Not all of us get things handed right to us. Just as OP does, I also have to work to pay for stuff, which started the month I turned 16 (now 17). Without my job, I couldn't pay for my car, gas, phone, clothing, lunch money for school, certain school events, etc. Even with my job, it's still a struggle because at our age, wages are very low, so our money is limited and doesn't go far.

yeah sorry but @ 16 the parents are responsible for supplying a roof and food and clothes for the kids. maybe where you are is different.

wow so you parents don't feel they should feed you. part time at 7.25 is not bad. you all need to stop complaining min wage when I started was 3.25

Jesswokethisfall 11

you know just because you dont see them doesnt mean theyre not there and for all you know they could be laying eggs in the coffee machines or w. e thats rather selfish that you think of yourself before the well being of others. how would you feel beinf served food at a place full of cockroaches

I can almost hear Gordon Ramsey shouting SHUT IT DOWN and swearing a blue streak. :)

eww, how about don't have **** roaches? it's a completely preventable problem, not that it's your fault op but the owner should really get on that, sorry that happened :/ I freakin hate those things!

Unfortunately it's not completely preventable. Have you ever spent the entire summer with windows closed and still ended up with fruit flies or bees in the house? Bugs are "smart" in that they know how to get in. They can lay eggs on clothing and all of a sudden hatch in your home. Or in the case of a restaurant, there might be something in the fresh fruits and veggies. Bugs are just a part of life.

horror_queen92 3

What place is that? So I know where to avoid going.

That's a horrible place then, its irresponsible because bugs carry diseases....morons -______-'

MzZombicidal 36

Know what else carries disease? Everything.

Jesswokethisfall 11

since everything carries disease why dont you eat out of a plate where a rats ass has been(:

Because people in this day and age have common sense. Most of them anyway...

Dude, report that shit to the Health Department!