By vicious_fashion - 12/08/2014 05:34 - United States - Meridian
vicious_fashion tells us more.
Thank you everyone for your comments. To clarify, my sister is 15 and it was an accidental hand slamming while in the heat of her argument that I was "copying her style". (Which is why you should never slam doors or break things when you're mad! Use your words!)
Top comments
She sounds nice
how selfish was she
#30 You Forgot the Sunglasses
Car doors are the worst type of thing to get your hand slammed on, especially if it happened to be next to the door handle area. FYL indeed.
I cannot fault the sister she seamstress-ed.
Your sister is a bitch who needs to get over herself...sorry op :( hope your hand gets better soon
I think that goes past being a bitch and well into psycho town.
Her hand will heal like a dress....with stitches
Take it as a complement. I bet you looked beautiful :)
Cause she's jealous of her beauty so she smashed her hand.
I could deal with being called ugly a lot better than getting my hand smashed in a car door.
Ouch! I know how much that hurts, OP.
Well that escalated quickly
She should probably have her assassinated to keep up with the pace.
Then the sister will return as a ghost to haunt her, because one good turn deserves another.
Your sister needs professional help :S
I think that calls for an imaginative form of revenge. Your sister sounds like a delightful person.
You bastard! How dare you share a common taste in dresses!

Your sister is a bitch who needs to get over herself...sorry op :( hope your hand gets better soon
She sounds nice