By ow my kidneys - 14/07/2015 10:33 - Germany - Bad Oeynhausen

Today, I went down a water slide. Halfway through, I got stuck behind some kids who were blocking the tube. Seconds later, a big-boned lady crashed into my back. Her solution to break the blockade was to start kicking my back repeatedly as hard as she could. The kids still wouldn't move. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 899
You deserved it 1 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have turned back and threw her off the slide


ouch that sounds painful..I would've started banging my head back into her knees

is that what you did? no wonder you came up with this comment lol

I almost had a panic attack reading this.

jezka374 15

That's just rude and uncalled for. I'd punch the bitch.

Wow what an asshat, I would have taken my foot and punched her in the face repeatedly. Sorry, op, for having to put up with someone with such stupidity, hope your back is doing better.

Oh god that makes me so mad! What's wrong with people? You don't just start kicking someone. I would've told the kids to cover their ears, then turned around and told her to **** off, and that you were stuck behind some kids, and did she expect you to kick them like she was doing to you? Fat bitch.

britbrat237 14

I would be like lady cut it out!

She would have had a falcon punch coming through her thick ass skull. FYL OP

xRiverSongx 17