By synn - 24/02/2010 05:19 - Singapore

Today, I went for a job briefing, and after that was told to do some editing for them. When I asked the person whether I was paid for the day, she laughed and said no. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 563
You deserved it 3 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you could always write it off on your resume as volunteer work if you didn't get the job. other future employers will eat that sh*t up.

that is a screening tool for recruitment and selection...... realistic job previews. You do the job for the day and management and staff choose the person they think they would work the best with


Cry more. No one was forcing you to work.

perdix 29

Tell the boss "me love you long time" and offer a rub and tug, etc. so you can come away from the day with at least bus fare.

its Common to work for 2 weeks without pay for job training. I did it. so suck it up buttercup. it was part of one day. a million dollar job isnt just going to plop in your lap.

What country do you live in that you did two weeks of training without pay? it's illegal in the USA to do any kind of work without pay and illegal for a supervisor to make you do work without being paid or "on the clock."

I have to do testing for every job I apply for. They can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 5 hours. It's to show that you understand and do well in the field. I highly doubt that someone let you edit something and didn't recheck it to see if you knew what you were doing.

Me too. I am in a technical field, and I've even had to take English comprehension and logic tests.

Osakhomen 0

I've gotten paid for any work I do and any training, and all my jobs are like little part-time student jobs. I was going to say, that sound illegal, but you're not from the USA. That really sucks.

YDI. You need to get paperwork in and verify that you would be paid before doing any work. Sounds like you need to talk to a lawyer.

talk to a lawyer about a few hours of editing? really??? grow up

i think they wanted to see you "in action" and test your skills, and that's not really uncommon.