By Braceyourself - 25/09/2016 05:44 - United States - San Pablo

Today, I went in for an audition. Since my wrist had been in a brace all week, I felt I would be fine without it for one day because I didn't want it to be a distraction. I tripped in the middle of the dance routine and crashed on top of my injured wrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 513
You deserved it 4 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're doing it all wrong, OP. You're supposed to break a *leg.*

Why the hell would you think dancing with a sprained/broken wrist without a cast is a good idea? YDI


Bad move,how much of a distraction could it have really been?

I broke 3 metatarsals in my left foot when I was dancing ballet in highschool. After 4 months of crutchs, I went to a cane. I had my final entrance exam for Cornish School of the Arts 2 weeks after that and decided I was good enough. Ruined my foot and lost my career as a dancer

Am I the only one who read auction instead? Noracial though

I guess tripping and injuring yourself was more distracting than a cast ever could be

Injuries that require a brace don't really clear up in a week. you should've told the people judging auditions that you had an injury and they would've rescheduled you. as people in the field, they above anyone else would be sympathetic and caution against dancing with an injury.

I once did something similar, I was auditioning for a play, and I had to do a front flip onto a mat, and a hurt my elbow the week before. It was still hurt apparently, because as I was landing (from a wooden desk about 4/ft off the ground) I pit my arms out to help land. let's just say I didn't get the part after a short stream of curses.