By OnlyIfYouLoveMe - 23/11/2009 05:12 - United States
OnlyIfYouLoveMe tells us more.
thanx guys! 8D he is a jerk, glad you agree. And to RyeBreadBoy, I do have smart views on politics ( wow that sentence does not sound right, oh well). I'm just as smart as you, and I have intellegent ideas.
Top comments
The funny thing is all the women posting about how awful he is would rather sleep with him then a nice guy. YDI for friendzoning nice guys. The ones who are smart stop being nice because it does not work on women.
Nice guys finish last.
What are you doing on a computer/phone? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen making a sandwich for your man? I kid, I kid. Relax a bit, will ya? The majority of those people making the comments are just teasing. In fact, at least half of the 'sexist' comments are coming from women themselves. Mocking true sexist views. So, yeah, go drink some milk and calm down.
Oh man, I must say I burst out laughing. Pro tip, from a "Pig headed idiot" "Never judge the judgement of all on the action of 1." I, like many people here, do not act like this asshole, and don't make sexist remarks such as "Go make me a sandwich". Just like not every southerner is a redneck who ***** his sister twice a day, not every Englishman has bad teeth, the list goes on and on. And yet you pen us all in with the sexists? Sucks for you, because you're going to miss out on all the actual decent guys if you seem to have this opinion that every man is "A sexist idiot". Now, at the OP. I must agree with a few people here. It's just a blind date. You should be glad you figured out he's an ass, now get on with your life and find someone new. Every day has the chance to be a sunny day or a rainy one, it all depends on how you take what life throws at you.
To all the blokes whinging about how it doesn't pay to be a "nice guy": There is a difference between bastards, nice push-over guys, and nice, decent manly guys. Being a nice guy doesn't mean being a push-over. Treat your woman well but show some leadership, some pride, some manliness and you'll be fine.
it's only funny because it's true.
His only mistake was "asking". He should have told you. Idiot.
*spits more blood and teeth out, wipes his mouth with the back of his right hand, and smiles slightly* (with a lisp) That was sexy, fun, and all, but obviously you knocked your king over, so I win. *smiles big, a couple of teeth missing and all*
Lmao, well He's right. You shouldn't know anything about politics since there aren't any in between the bedroom and the make me a sandwich.
Yeah, you went on a blind date, it was going well, and the guy said something he thought was funny. Roll the news trucks!!!! Please stop with the "not an FML" entries. Obviously the guy was testing you to see how you would react and you failed--miserably. He's just not that into you. Move along...
usually i get pissed at all the feminazis screaming sexism on these fmls, but this one, unless he meant it in complete jest, is straight up sexism. tell him to go suck a donkey chode
and whats the problem here?
Urgh, some men just can't cope with the idea that sometimes women are smarter than them
They say there are two things you should never discuss on a first date: politics and religion. Nothing gets people riled up more. Maybe next time wait awhile. I agree, this guy was a douche, but what if next time you bring up your views and piss off someone you genuinely like? If he hasn't had a chance to get to know you yet, he might not overlook your differing opinions and give it a shot.