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By AlwaysAfraid - 16/10/2018 22:00

Today, I went on a date for the first time in almost a year. To keep things casual, he had a couple of his friends join. Oh and by a couple of friends, I mean a party of people from his church. I'm not religious. The date wasn't even half over before I was being preached to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 198
You deserved it 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You stayed for the second half? Once I hear preaching, whether it’s Christianity, veganism or CrossFit, I yell, “Check, please!”

That's scarier than any horror movie ever made. Keep your distance.


That's scarier than any horror movie ever made. Keep your distance.

You stayed for the second half? Once I hear preaching, whether it’s Christianity, veganism or CrossFit, I yell, “Check, please!”

Agreed. People can do and believe whatever they want but once they try to aggressively convert people, they stop being worth time. On the positive side, at least he brought them to the first date and saved OP from wasting several days before finding that out.

Hail, brother! Can I interest you in this vegan-friendly, God-fearing exercise regimen? Jesus saved your soul, so why not save your own, and thousands of animals, as well?

I'm vegan (but an atheist, and I definitely don't do CrossFit, but I do have a regimen), but I found this kinda funny.

MiracleKa 5

Next time invite 12 of your girlfriends and come dressed in black robes and a bunch of pentagrams, then ask his family if they've accepted Beelzebub as their judge and tormentor.

Unless you are a kid, a date is one on one. If the other person is bringing others it’s a sign you need to cancel and bail out. In the best case, a group date shows the person is either a kid an not allowed on real dates or immature. In the worst case a group date is an ambush situation like yours was.

Phil 14

That's what religious people do.

fde2blknimout 18

As a Christian i am terribly sorry. So what are you doing Sunday morning?

Squidgegg 4

You should've bailed the moment it wasn't one on one.

Compass5000 5

This legitimately sounds like the beginning of an attempt at cult indoctrination. Please stay safe.