By forrealiluvmyslf - 13/04/2009 15:58 - United States

Today, I went on a first date with a guy that included dinner, pool and pretty good conversation. Around Midnight he yawned and said the beer was making him sleepy, so he took me home. I wasn't tired so I changed and went out with some friends... and saw him on the dance floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 846
You deserved it 6 447

forrealiluvmyslf tells us more.

The date lasted 4 hours and he took me home with the intention of going home. Not fat, not ugly...His friend ended up inviting him out. I approached him at the club to say hi and kept it moving because I was with friends. I danced with a few other people, including him. He called the next day. I actually made a joke about how funny it would be if I saw him to a friend before we went out. Wasn't down about it, just thought the irony was FML-worthy --- Some of yall are cruel! lol

Top comments

Can't blame a guy for not liking you. Would you rather he be rude to your face?


I hope you pulled someone in front of him. hehe Maybe he just went out of a social obligation? dont get down about it :(

Guy's got some nerve. If I was trying to be nice about it I'd at least stay in and watch a movie rather than risk being found out.

The date lasted 4 hours and he took me home with the intention of going home. Not fat, not ugly...His friend ended up inviting him out. I approached him at the club to say hi and kept it moving because I was with friends. I danced with a few other people, including him. He called the next day. I actually made a joke about how funny it would be if I saw him to a friend before we went out. Wasn't down about it, just thought the irony was FML-worthy --- Some of yall are cruel! lol

OP/#77 - funny! But yeah, I was totally gonna say "not an FML" because I've called an end to dates plenty of times. There's nothing wrong with knowing when the night is over. Better to leave off the night when you still feel like the conversation has been fun and interesting than letting it drag off to the point that there's really nothing left to say.

Why would you be stupid enough to let someone who was so exhausted by beer that he had to end the date early drive you home? You deserved it.

Karnezar 2

Maybe he started stalking you and followed you to the dance club.

see this is what happens when you live in a hicktown with only one bar.