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By Anonymous - 29/03/2014 02:00 - United States - Kent

Today, I went on a trip to Cleveland. After getting lunch, my brother and I started walking back to my car. Halfway there, we were jumped, threatened with a knife, and yelled at to hand over our money. The only thing my brother could do was ask our mugger, "Uh, what gender are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 922
You deserved it 3 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your brother is a genius! Trying to distract the knife yielding maniac with a gender identity crisis-inducing question! You are lucky to be alive to write this....

arandomusernameaa 20

Your brother needs to learn to keep his mouth shut...


arandomusernameaa 20

Your brother needs to learn to keep his mouth shut...

actually the best weapon are words if he someone how gets a conversation or a slight confusion with the mugger it would be the perfect time to take the knife. seriously if you watch Doctor Who you'd agree

Im sorry but Doctor Who isn't exactly the most realistic show

okay well again back to the actual point, talking may actually saved their lifes

arandomusernameaa 20

Insulting a man with a knife isn't very intelligent...

JMichael 25

11- first off anyone who'd use situations from a TV show in real life is bound to **** it up and get themselves killed, but talking can be helpful in a situation like OPs if you don't insult the person mugging you.

Maybe that's why the girl got a 'I'm a girl' shirt!

19 : A man with a knife? Who said it was a man... Obviously the gender was in question here.

Wouldn't have helped much in Cleveland honestly.

OhDamnItsNik 4

oh just be an american an avoid the whole situation by owning a gun.

#63- I'm American and don't own a gun.

Nah, confusing these people can work. But it might be better to say something less stupid.

caohm 18

atleast he wasn't like that guy whose last words were "what are you going to do, stab me?" right before he got stabbed.

Your brother is a genius! Trying to distract the knife yielding maniac with a gender identity crisis-inducing question! You are lucky to be alive to write this....

I want to know if the mugger got your money.

He got something more valuable... His opinion.

lexiieeex3 32

Whatever his/her gender, he/she is now your brother's bitch.

CommentModerated 17

If only they had been wearing a gender identifying t-shirt.

asnakelovinbabe 16

I approve of 31's profile picture.

PresidentNorth 16

Well I approve this message.

So then they could pull out their wallet for identification so you could then rob THEM. Your brother is a genius!

justagirl1998 10

The mugger fell to the ground crying and then went home and ordered a shirt that says "I am a girl" so future mugging victims don't hurt her feelings.

She bought some Midol and they lived happily ever after.

I guess you could say that comment from your brother further...enGENDERED a bad situation.

B1ackthesun 31

Great plan, piss off the person with a knife >.>

Or piss on the person with the knife.

PresidentNorth 16