This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By sadstorybro - 05/04/2019 20:00

Today, I went on what I thought was a four day romantic getaway with my long distance main girl. Her side boy at home apparently got into her head so much that she doesn't want to kiss me, because "it would be unfair to me to kiss me while thinking of him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 654
You deserved it 1 401

Top comments

"Main girl" and "side boy"? You seem to totally deserve it - and each other...

Mungolikecandy 19

I get the impression you may be the "side boy" in that relationship.


Sonotsuave 35

I’m trying to be open-minded here but seriously wtf has humanity come to? What are we sharing people now? I don’t get these crazy situationships, and why can’t people realize they only make matters more complicated? If you agreed to open terms then you can’t be on here complaining

As soon as you said "main girl" you already ******* lost dude.

I was going to assume this was a poly relationship, but judging by the use of the terms "side boy" and "main girl" it sounds non-exclusive. In which case, why do you give a shit? However, if it is poly, you need to learn to respect the relationship she has with him, as well as your own. Either that, or have a discussion with the both of them regarding where you all stand in terms of the relationship itself.

TxKitten79 10

It sounds to me like the o.p. respects his girl's other relationship. It's the other dude meddling that caused the issue. However, if the girl listened to him and let his jealousy ruin the time with the o.p., then clearly the guy "at home" has become her priority relationship. O.P. can communicate his feelings with her and she'll either see she isn't being fair to him or not. Either way, looks like O.P. has some communicating to do and a decision to make.

The thing with poly relationships is that if you treat it like it's a competition, everyone involved will ultimately lose.