By caseyj - 25/03/2011 05:50 - United States

Today, I went to a birthday party. A half hour in, a girl started showing me pictures of her cat. That was the high point of the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 147
You deserved it 4 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cue to the "she showed you pictures of her pussy??!" jokes -_-'

I wish that girls at the parties I go to would whip out their phones and show me their *******... It's a shame I don't party with crazy cat ladies.


DaveOnDope 4

A boring party like that? And I bet you didn't try stripping off your clothes and dancing on the furniture to get the party going! You could have shown how much you were grateful, been the life of the party, and got lots of guys and girls numbers! Simply ungrateful.

Cat people can't help it. We are just so proud of our little guys! I'm hand-raising a kitten from 2 days old and my friends on facebook get to share my experiences as he gets bigger and opens his eyes.

sadizzle 0

at least it wasn't your party

QueenOfBoredom 0

your picture..... must i say more

dam! that party must have been off the hook!!

there's a new style The Whoopi Goldberg

Darkster 0

had a party, highlight was when someone actually got up and went to get a soda! best party EVER!

After she showed me pics. I think I would of asked to pet it.