By callalilley - 10/04/2015 16:42 - United States - Sewell
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Hey guys! OP here! It stunk not going on vacation. From the beginning, we ALL thought we had to take the final. In the syllabus it said it was worth 30% of our grade. He's a new professor and this is a psychology class. I guess some type of experiment??? I was so mad, but I still have a 3.8 GPA to prove for it!!!
Top comments
Education will give you the tools the make vacations, don't worry op the paychecks you will get from getting As in the future will be much better than a trip to the Bahamas!
yes! continue your life with the same dedication that it took to get that A and you can take many trips to the Bahamas... or wherever you want. Thumbs up for capitalism!!
Although this is true. Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to the Bahamas, let alone more than one chance. So op could very well be missing out on something he may never get a chance to experience, or, if he does get a chance, won't be for another 10+ years.
Just think. Good grades= Good College = Good job = More money and even more vacation opportunities for you.
Yeah, after those student loan bills, and the job market for people without lots of experience... I'd not count on it.
Im just attempting to make OP feel better. Thanks captain buzz kill.
sure you missed a trip to Bahamas but I see a gentleman in the making so keep working hard. You got a bright future, brighter than Bahamas!
There will always be another opportunity
daaaam ! real life is difficult .
guaranteed this was discussed in the beginning of the semester and/or on the syllabus. pay attention and please do not have children.
25 - howabout YOU never have children do you dont raise and assuming twat
25, there's a good chance it was never mentioned anywhere before. And if it was, what does that have to do with op having kids. "Oh no, you didn't read the entire syllabus and somehow missed that line, better not have kids or you'll damage them"??
ACTUALLY in the syllabus it said it was 30% of the grade. I DID read it, hence the reason I showed up and studied.
My mom always said good grades are their own reward. But then again, she has never been to the Bahamas.
Ouch op. Atleast you know you're smart enough! I think some people would give up a trip to get an A.