By Anonymous - 06/05/2013 08:35 - United States - Sacramento

Today, I went to go see my granddad in the hospital and asked if he needed anything. He replied, "I need you to get out and send that hot nurse in, I may be old but I still got it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 693
You deserved it 6 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FML .... My granddad is more confident of his game than I am ...

perdix 29

Well, what are you waiting for? Go hunt down that nurse and send her to Gramps's room. Be a good wingman and tell her he's rich ;)

I feel bad for that nurse. I have a lot of friends that are nurses and they'll tell me stories of the old men that flirt and uncomfortably hit on them. Always needing to prove that they're not dead yet! :P

perdix 29

#30, your friends ought to carry around boilerplate "Last Will and Testament" forms for the old dudes to sign before the "special treatment" is administered. With the right patient, they could hit the jackpot ;)

He's the grandaddy Macklemore was rapping about!

I feel sorry for the nurse. And for the OP, discovering what a skeeve their grandfather was.

I wish your gramps was my grampapa.

My grandfather fell in "love" with a hot nurse before he died. That's just how old men are.

olpally 32

Haha, creepy but funny. At least he's still got a good sense of humor at his age! He rocks!