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By bebooneo - 23/01/2014 22:16 - United States - Carrollton

Today, I went to my first ever job interview. I thought I was doing well, until the recruiter asked why he should hire me. The only thing I could say was "Because I'm really, really nervous right now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 025
You deserved it 6 868

bebooneo tells us more.

Let me elaborate. It was yesterday when this happened and I submitted the FML, just to cheer myself up. I am a recent graduate and it was at a job fair, not a scheduled interview but to my surprise one of the recruiters started interviewing me right away. I was unprepared and got flustered and started saying that. But the good news is that they indeed seemed to like me enough to email me for a real interview next week! All prayers appreciated! Thank you all for your wonderful comments.

Top comments

Hey you were honest! Great quality there :) better luck next time! You got it!

Well aren't you just a joy. It's OP's first interview ever, give her a break.


Hey you were honest! Great quality there :) better luck next time! You got it!

to be fair, things like that actually stick out to recruiters. I once filled out an app with a pink ink pen not realizing it was pink at first (I finished the app anyway)...the interviewer said it's the only reason he noticed it out of the stack of apps.

Ydi This is the most common question in any interview, you should have been prepared for that. But lets hope that you get the job anyways, best of luck

Well aren't you just a joy. It's OP's first interview ever, give her a break.

It's the most common question, you're right. But if she's never had a job interview before and no-one's told her what to expect I can't blame her for being flustered. I've had plenty of interviews now and I still get nervous :) good luck op, you'll find something.

First interview or not, that isn't generally a comment that is going to earn great reviews and praise is it? OP - use this as a way to improve your interview technique and battle your nerves for the next round. Let us know if you get the job.

I've never been asked that in an interview... I have been asked why I want to work for the company, though. Close enough?

At least you said something, he probably had a good laugh from it.

i had mine last week, i couldnt think of what to say to my worst quality so i just said answering questions in a timely manner since i was stuck there saying "uh" most of the time xD got the job tho

I don't think you should be embarrassed OP. If it's your first interview then I'm sure the person understands, we've all been in that position. Then again, I'm sure they saw your eagerness to begin a job, no matter how nervous you were!

Hopefully that's not the only reason but great start!

IIRC, there is another FML that goes exactly like this, except he only said "because I'm awesome". And then OP commented and said he got the job. Hope the same happens to you! Found it! Today, I had a job interview. All was going well until the interviewer asked me, "So, why should we hire you?" Without thinking, I blurted out, "Because, I'm awesome!" Don't think I'll be getting that one. FML

I remember my first job interview at Hot Topic (yes I know big surprise there in my defense I'm old enough that it was back before the chain started to suck hard 80's balls) but God was I nervous and the manager decides to go through some role play and tells me "sell me the outfit I'm wearing" being the inherent smart ass that I am and having no brain to mouth filter I say "Well you're already wearing it therefore you've already bought it ergo I've already done my job" At least I got hired :) due to my manager feeling I "would have an ability to put potentially apprehensive shoppers (like moms and grandmothers) at ease and be a welcome asset to the company if I'm right" I made damn sure I was good at my job after that

OP is a she in that post and she commented but said she was waiting to hear from them. She never commented saying she got the job.

That was my response one time, "because I'm awesome". Apparently I wasn't awesome enough to get the job, but it made for a good laugh at least.

Right my mistake. Twice. :S I wanted to edit that into my comment but it was getting pretty spammy already...

OP put that she didn't get hired on the title

Found it! Today, I had a job interview. All was going well until the interviewer asked me, "So, why should we hire you?" Without thinking, I blurted out, "Because, I'm awesome!" Don't think I'll be getting that one. FML Sent from the FML Official Android application

Who isn't nervous on their first ever job interview

Who isn't nervous on ANY job interview? They suck. I'm sorry, OP, but hopefully you'll have something funny to laugh about when you do get hired.

I swear some of the interviewers are trained to be as intimidating as possible