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By Anonymous - 23/01/2014 21:49 - United States - Washington

Today, school was out because of snow. My dad walked in my room and shouted "Why are you home?!" I told him why, and he replied, "Then get out the damn house and play in the snow." He tossed me out in nothing but my shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 802
You deserved it 5 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've brought some snow back inside and shoved it down his pants when he wasn't paying attention.

No, OP is still outside as we speak. It's thought he turned into a snowman (or slenderman), but they say if you listen really closely, you can still hear OP shivering outside your door.


tacopandaroo 12

were you let back inside at least?

No, OP is still outside as we speak. It's thought he turned into a snowman (or slenderman), but they say if you listen really closely, you can still hear OP shivering outside your door.

Gearden 8

Dad needed some emergency alone time.

Gearden 8

Reminds of the fml about the girl who stayed home sick and caught her dad cheating.

JMichael 25

So do we call him Frosty or Jack Frost?

#22 first thing I thought. .. hes got someone else round

Should've brought some snow back inside and shoved it down his pants when he wasn't paying attention.

JMichael 25

'twas the first thing that came to my mind in the wee hours of the morning.

dope_mcfly 24

And instead of calling the police or child services, you posted here?

Police? CPS? That's a bit drastic, don't ya think?

#3 Please take your internet connected device and bury it in the snow. Don't touch it until the snow melts. If possible, please set it on fire in the snow, because we all hate dichotomy.

#14, don't call him a dick...otomy. Actually, do.

Welcome to America where the slightest tad bit of discomfort and tasteless jokes are punished with the police, child services and court rooms!

No cause he let me back in after I called my mom

The kid was put out in the freezing snow wearing shorts! How the hell isn't there something seriously wront with this picture?

In Canada when we get thrown outside in the snow in nothing but shorts we fashion clothing out of the snow.

That's not funny but cruel. I cannot laugh about such a story. OP should ask someone for help (maybe your mother).

it was a joke calm the **** down. its not like he was beating him in the snow, he told him to go play in it, how the hell is that cruel?

squideth 18

Uhm, because you can DIE from exposure if left outside for too long? Idiots.

so i take it he shoved your phone/computer out with you to keep you company. And now you are posting about it here

amaindayyy46 20

I'm gonna guess that this was after he was let back inside.

What the hell did he plan to do today that he needs you out so desperately?! You must investigate!

If OP had a dog then the barking could give him a clue...

I was thinking the same thing. I think OP accidently stuffed up some serious secret plans. Or maybe their dad has a very strange sense of humor.

It probably is, but so is lava but I don't want to be thrown into it :(

My uncle threw me down a hill in the snow in a t-shirt, pants and socks..but just shorts? You win lol