By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 15:21 - Norway - Trondheim

Today, I went to the airport after saying goodbye to my, for some reason, giggling boyfriend. I learnt why he was so cheerful when I opened my purse in front of the guards, only to find pink-furry handcuffs, and a huge dildo. They pretended not to know what it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 356
You deserved it 6 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretended not to know what it was? "What is this? I'm going to have to show this foreign object to the sniffer dogs, it could contain drugs." That could have been even more embarrassing.

streetriots 9

My girlfriend is flying out of town tomorrow. Must do this.


olpally 32

Not gonna lie, that's one of the best pranks ever! Just be glad he didn't put a whip in there too! Haha.

ironik69 31

I think olpally is going for the badge where you have three unburied comments on one fml. LOL.

tmmundy 17

50....I only counted 2 comments he made, and this is the first I heard of this new rule that we had to limit our comments on each FML post. Thank you for informing us (as I roll my eyes).

ironik69 31

Wow 57, harsh much? It was a joke. You know, some people do still do that. But thank you so much for putting me in my place.

CharresBarkrey 15

57 - When you're done pulling your foot out of your mouth, you should check out comment #54.

You're an idiot. Nobody said anything about limiting comments. Do you even understand what a badge is? Stop while you're ahead.

AHappyGoth 14

Maybe you could. . .educate them. . . *Cue 80's porno music*

I am so doing this to my sister. Brilliant idea!

Good thing the guards have a sense of humour.

haha im sorry thats uncomfortable but at least your boyfriend sounds playful! plan on how to get him back next time he goes to the airport. a large buttplug, perhaps? ;)

This may be my favourite fml of all time.

I'm surprised the TSA didn't take you in for further questioning and call the handcuffs a weapon

therealafroninga 10

That's hilarious! Embarrassing but you gotta admit that's too funny

At least they didn't strip search you looking for more toys lol

Considering the number of times I'm delving into my purse in the course of a day, I'm surprised you didn't find them before you got to the airport. You either have a huge-ass purse, or much restraint. Whichever, that was funny as Hell.