By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 17:30 - Germany - K?ln
Same thing different taste
By ouharguohargssdf - 28/09/2013 21:01 - United States - Fort Wayne
That joke isn't funny anymore
By Anonymous - 13/08/2023 00:02
By HF44 - 29/07/2015 17:00 - United States - San Francisco
Smuckle time
By Anonymous - 26/01/2022 10:59
By horribleday - 20/06/2017 09:00 - United States - Ozark
Nice to see you
By JeezyCherieze - 11/04/2009 01:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/03/2022 23:00 - United States - Morganville
By divorce? i think so - 21/07/2012 02:12 - Canada - Markham
Family Ties
By Anonymous - 26/05/2021 03:59
By Helen - 10/11/2012 10:15 - United States - Pine Bluff
Top comments
It always makes me sad to see how little respect some people pay to their spouse and spouse's family.
When I was married I had no respect for my wife's family. Because they had no respect for me and actively tried to sabotage our marraige. They did a pretty good job of it, too.
17- I see your point, and I agree that respect should be a reciprocal thing.
17, I agree with you. Sometimes in-laws simply make themselves undeserving of respect. The parents of my boyfriend tortured me to tears - blackmail, encouraged him to cheat, tried to make me feel worthless because I was working as a waitress to support myself, and even told my boyfriend not to be with me because my mother is sick and they didn't want him to eventually share in the responsibility of taking care of her.. But they were still my boyfriend's family and therefore I showed them respect still. Not for them, but for him. If they died I wouldn't be happy or disrespectful at their funeral. That's just hurtful for him.
I might be looking too far into the FML and interpreting it wrong, but it sounds like the OP's husband hated the OP's mother solely because she was an in-law, and not because she was a genuinely bad or cruel in-law. Though even if she was an awful in-law, that doesn't give him the right to disrespect his wife, her family, and all the people in morning at the funeral.
17, OP's husband wasn't just showing disrespect to his in-laws; he was showing disrespect to his wife by saying something like that at her mother's funeral. No matter how his in-laws may have treated him, his wife deserves to be treated better than that.
Wow that's just wrong, I'm sorry. You have my condolences. Stay strong.
who asked him to show strong emotions #61? he shouldn't had acted like an asshole. it's simple enough.
Your comment was one of the most enlightening comments I have ever seen on FML
These are comments, 54, by regular people. Not everyone is a comedian, so get over it.
not everyone is a comedian but everyone doesn't need to state the obvious
Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't another: "OMG LOL YOUR SOO STUPUD" comment.
I thumbed up,great comment
He's digging his own grave
Yeah, that taco has mad carbs. Beware.
And people probably want to kill him for 'swaggering' around.
Ohhh it sounds like it's already been duh the minute he "swaggered" in!
*dug. Whoops!
Wow that's pretty ****** up.
when you told him your mother passed away, what was his reaction? if he tried to act as sad and devastated as you and then did this, he's just... I don't even have any words to describe him. p.s. my condolences, OP.
... I'm pretty sure he already knew, seeing as he was arriving at her funeral. When I go to someone's funeral, I usually safely assume that they're deceased. EDIT-Sorry I may have misunderstood, if you meant when she first told him, rather than after he did this.
There's nothing else to be said here than seriously reconsider you relationship with him, if not leae him altogether. Your mother, a huge part of your childhood and life, a true bond and a shoulder to hold yourself up on, passed away. His reaction was to non-chalantly turn up late, with a spring in his step, almost relishing her death as a side-dish for his taco and fully aware of the contrast between his cheerfulness and douchebaggery, and this day of mourning. I don't think he has a shred of humanity or decency, and probably not a lot of love for you or your family for him to be able to do that. Get rid of this asshole.
I agree. He doesn't seem to be grieving at all, and if that is the case, he should not have even bothered to show up. I understand some people dont handle death well, but that is just too much.
Could not agree more, 7.
If that's how he feels about her, then it would've been proper to just not show up. It's highly insulting that he couldn't just do that, let alone just being there quietly to support you. I couldn't be with someone who disrespected me in such a manner, regardless of anything else he said or did. If he can't respect you, he doesn't deserve you.
I'm I seeing this right? one of the big 3 in sarcstic commentary made an entire comment without one joke? I guess miracles do happen. I have to go confess now.
And why the hell do so many people think OP deserves this
That was the best reply ever. Seriously. EVER. And he is. The. Biggest. Piece. Of. Shit. Ever.
How do you get top comment again
If you didn't know it before, you know it now from his greasy taco scented massive failure as a partner AND as a human being!! OP, I'm sorry for both your losses but at least knowing this about your husband frees you to move on with your life without an insensitive moron dragging you down!
Wow... That is a really awful thing to do. Did you tell him to leave? Like - then?

It always makes me sad to see how little respect some people pay to their spouse and spouse's family.
There's nothing else to be said here than seriously reconsider you relationship with him, if not leae him altogether. Your mother, a huge part of your childhood and life, a true bond and a shoulder to hold yourself up on, passed away. His reaction was to non-chalantly turn up late, with a spring in his step, almost relishing her death as a side-dish for his taco and fully aware of the contrast between his cheerfulness and douchebaggery, and this day of mourning. I don't think he has a shred of humanity or decency, and probably not a lot of love for you or your family for him to be able to do that. Get rid of this asshole.