By Anonymous - 01/07/2012 04:22

Today, I went to the beach with my boyfriend and family. My sister coyly pointed out the scratch marks down his back, hoping to embarrass me in front of my parents. The marks weren't from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 186
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's just nervous in his own skin around your parents. So he tried taking it off.

He must have been attacked by one of those vicious cougars, if you catch my drift.


Now don't jump to conclusions. Who am I kidding? Dump his ass?

There could be a few reasons why he has scratch marks on his back.

Briiyahh 7

Maybe he has a itchy back?

lovebeecharmer 6

Coyly isn't even a smooth word. Makes me want to punch babies.

What the hell? It's THE word to convey the meaning that OP intended. What, do you expect her to make a new word up just for you, or to rifle through a thesaurus just because you feel threatened by a word you probably think is "too exotic"?

lovebeecharmer 6

Lol do you feel better now you big baby. I just meant I don't like how it sounds.

I bet your sister made those marks op...

He definitely got those scratches when he tried helping a kitten get off the highest tree in the neighborhood, for his grandmas friend. While successfully getting the cat and walking it off the tree, he slipped and his back hit the tree on the way down! The cat died because he landed on it.

Let's not jump to any conclusions. First thing's first: ask.

jaredofmo 22

It's simple. He's a werewolf.

bethanael 13

He probably just had someone scratch his back because it was itchy. You need to stop being paranoid.

kaylanicole1695 12

could have been from a cat or he could have fell, don't be too quick to judge