By rj - 06/03/2011 05:42 - United States

Today, I went to the dentist after 24 hours of severe tooth pain. They did an emergency root canal. After the anesthesia wore off, within minutes, the pain returned only worse than before. Called the dentist, I had to return, only to find they had done the root canal on the wrong tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 290
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments


At least you got to the *takes off sunglasses* root of the problem.

You need to get to the root of the situation. haha Situation… haha Jersey Shore

LaciNic0le 0

OMGsh something similar happened to my best friend!! she had to get a root canal but, after, was hurting so much that she went to another dentist in town. the old dentist had done the work wrong, and she had to pay to get it corrected :((

You should definitely ask for compensation!

u could hav a real lawsuit and be a millionaire SUE SUE SUE

kikiwi_fml 9

You're American I'm guessing?

Hayman68 4

I believe that is known as malpractice.

melibear89 7

how the hell does that happen? I worked at dental office for three years and ever once did a patient have to come back because they did not root canal the wring tooth. does your dentist not know how to use a x-ray machine? if not he needs to go back to dental school to teach him how to properly diagnose a problem.

LoL! That Sucks For you But Funny For me֥}