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By pink_cupcakes - 15/08/2009 10:22 - Australia

Today, I went to the movies alone after the boy I was seeing told me he was busy studying for exams. I found him making out with another girl whilst in the queue. When I confronted him by text he denied that it was him. I saw him check the text and reply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 862
You deserved it 4 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giggity0giggity 0

WHAT A DUMBASS!!!!! ur better off without a stupid boyfriend.


giggity0giggity 0

WHAT A DUMBASS!!!!! ur better off without a stupid boyfriend.

Fake. If he knew you were going to the movies, he wouldn't go to the same venue. Secondly, why would you confront him by a text message if you can actually see him? GTFO my fmylife And yes, I did reply to the first post on purpose. Wanna fight about it?

lexilovesyou 0

Um maybe he did not think she would be at the movies without him.. Or she'd see a different one. This happened to me too so shut the f*** up dumb ****.

iSmellNice 2

I was thinking the exact same thing, #30.

i read a different version of this exact FML every week. its a pain in the ass some of the shit they keep publishing

Yeah, I agree 42...most guys wouldn't assume if a girl asks them to take them out that the girl would go w/o them...and perhaps she texted bc she didn't want to cause a scene ?? Not everyone likes to make an ass of themselves running up to a cheating boyfriend in public.

making out with his cousin? Are you from Arkansas or something?

giggity0giggity 0

are YOU stupid or something? he means that the guy's cousin could have looked like him.

Bucinka 5

@#42: You censor **** but type out ****? What's wrong with you?

nam3 0

i agree if u saw him y wuld you text him dont u have the guts to go talk to him?? and #42 no1 cares this isn't your fml

whatthefuckcunt 0

#111 i cracked up at that as well.. what the f*** ****? hahahaha

why didn't u just go up to him dumbass

why the **** does confronting him in person have to mean "breaking his neck and wrestling the girl to the ground"? it's really not that hard to walk up make a comment about him being a liar, let the poor girl know he's a 2 timer, dump his ass and walk away. that's not making a scene. that's making a point.

I was thinking the same thing #111.

that's when you walk up to his face and confront him in front of his little makeout buddy. there's no denying it then.

justmyluck1212 0

hahaha throw sone popcorn on the trick to let him know ur w/in viewing distance of his ass

NGM_47 0

Well, since you said "the boy I was seeing" I'm guessing he wasn't officially your boyfriend, so I guess it's not that big of a deal. But FYL for him lying to you in the first place.

That's what I was thinking. He doesn't sound like he's officially your BF, but still FYL for him to lie.

why would you even confront him by text? go up to his face and dumb his ass!!

urlifeisfucked_fml 0

I agree. You confronted by text, did you really expect him to own up about it?

she wouldve had yo push people out of line and shit really!

wow he's such a pussy - and I don't think I've ever used that word to describe someone before! Honestly, good riddance.

You should have gone over, screamed at him, then slapped him.

Why the **** are women allowed to be so overly dramatic? Reverse the situation and the man would be slapped with an assault charge. The OP should just move on. You know, like an adult would and not like a dramatic, violent ****.

there are so many other double standards that favor men instead of women, that i think we should be allowed to be overdramatic. k?

completely agree ^^ :) plus overdramatizing things is fun sometimes ;)

Seriously, another FML about inviting someone to the movies who lied about why they couldn't go and was later seen at the same theater/movie with someone else??? Yawn... Or fake.