By HouseMdFangirl - 10/08/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with my best friend. While waiting for it to start, I went on to describe this guy I really liked and how badly I wanted to do him. Just then the girl sitting behind us leans down and says "That's my little brother. So you're the creeper he talks about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 765
You deserved it 58 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Best to talk about things like that when in complete privacy.

deaditegirl 0


kmgentil 0

i hate it when people talk about things like that when my parents r around

ultraslick 0

Have you ever heard of whispering? I don't want to go to a theatre and have to listen to you rambling on and on about how much you want to nail some guy.

cactus_fml 0

YDI for using his name (or some dead givaway detail) in a public place. Be more careful with your secrets. :P

creeps get nowhere in life. ydi weirdo (:

Bad luck for either 1) Getting fooled by somebody sitting behind you 2) Just plain bad luck.

Lol...... Thats funny. That must suck. I agree with the last comment, she could have been pulling your leg

you can stalk me Hun. I won't mind. I promise.

Brooklynxman 0

Ahhhh, so you are a creep. FYL b/c YDI Your life is ****** because you are a creep, and yet you deserve it, because you are a creep. PS Please dont stalk me Im just being honest.