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By thirdwheel - 09/07/2013 11:05 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I finally worked up the courage to ask my crush to a movie. What I didn't realise is that she would bring a "friend" along, and that I would have to sit next to them making out for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 433
You deserved it 4 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's pretty inconsiderate of her, bringing someone without asking. Hopefully she paid for her "friend".

You didn't have to sit through that. You should have just left.


Well, that's pretty inconsiderate of her, bringing someone without asking. Hopefully she paid for her "friend".

ILoveMyArm 15

Maybe she didn't want to go out with OP so she brought the friend to show that, either way she is a bitch.

KiddoKS 19

...and herself. It would be really awkward if OP paid for her and then the "friend" showed up.

fishstick557 14

Should've said you needed to go to the restroom then leave.

YDI OP, you sat there that long you should have left them. Get some dignity!

Yes, op should have left. But to say they deserved it is kind of harsh..

OP doesn't mention paying... OP: if you want a date, have the balls to ask someone clearly on a date. No pansy-ass "erm have you seen that movie" let's-hang-as-friends-but-actually-it-might-be-a-date bullshit. I often tried worming my way into dates like that, but when you play the "possible friend" you should expect the friendzone.

Maybe OP didn't want to pressure her with a full date, but would hope she liked/started liking him back. And I know that can sound like complete bullshit, but it's a hell of a lot better than expecting friemdzone.

....sure 64, it's a pretty common method and we've all done it, but we can't then moan "inconsiderate!!!" if the girl doesn't view it or treat it as a date...

#90, I don't know, I find it inconsiderate that she apparently invited someone without OP knowing about it (if someone invites you somewhere, you should always be polite and ask if you can bring someone else along). And I find it even more inconsiderate that after being invited somewhere, this person completely ignored OP to make out during the whole movie. Date or not, that seems pretty rude.

You didn't have to sit through that. You should have just left.

Completely right. I would have probably flipped them off first though.

Blows my mind that a person would actually do this. Da **** is wrong with her?

But he would have missed the movie.....

#36 well, I took a girl that I liked to the homecoming dance last year and she decided to be a bitch and bring her friend too and then ditch me to run around with her friend. She had the balls to ask me if I could buy a ticket for her friend ( which for a couples ticket it was $30, a singles ticket was $20) the night before the dance. Only reason I still went was because I already bought the tickets for us and I didn't have anyone else to go with. Added to all this is the fact that she was from a rival school.

Smoldering 15
YeaSo3 14

beyond rude!!!.. she's a bitch I know that has to hurt OP and it won't be easy to get over. . but you have to understand your better then what she deserves . she wasn't raised right ... but remember karma's a mf! and she will get her back wayyyyyy worse

Why didn't you just walk out instead of sitting next to them for so long?

He'd miss the movie... And popcorn. ._. I'd get up, and moved to a different seat.

olpally 32

Bitch move* :) haha. Seriously? The ****? Leave op! Or move to a different seat and throw popcorn on them. Might as well have made the best of it.

Damian95 16

You just paid for your crush's date...Ouch

Hopefully the girl and her "friend" at least had the decency to pay for themselves.

kayteakay 26

Did you specify it was a date? If she thinks of you as a friend it may not have crossed her mind that you meant otherwise.

raraisbang 12

It still seems rude to bring a third wheel along without asking. I mean, if someone invited you to go somewhere and you wanted to bring along another person, it just seems considerate to make sure the person that asked you is ok with it.

kayteakay 26

My friends generally wouldn't care if I brought a friend along to hang out. If someone asked me on a date it would be a different ball game.

Thing is 14, would you be able to easily tell if it was you hanging out with friends or one of your friends giving a date a try.

You really should have made an excuse and left... What a silly girl she is. Not fair on you at all, regardless of whether she knew you had a crush on her or not.

I would have farted in their faces as they were kissing and then run out of the theater laughing like Peter Griffon

That's one way of going about things, I suppose.

34 - It's a fart...not a flamethrower...

That's when you creepily stalk them through the stores and stare at them over the clothes racks. You'll eventually make them so uncomfortable they'll be desperate to leave. Trust me, it works every time. Uhh, I mean I think it works. Yeah...