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By Blizzards - 14/07/2013 05:29 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I went to the pool. As I started going up the steps to use the water slide, a kid no older than 10 yanked my swim trunks down to "see what's down there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 211
You deserved it 3 405

Blizzards tells us more.

OP here, he was behind me the whole time (he blamed it on his sister). Thankfully, he only pulled it down enough to expose my butt. I pulled my trunks up, but I didn't say anything and just acted as if he wasn't there.

Top comments

Simple. Yank his pants down and spartan kick him in the chest as hard as you can to project your manliness.


oj101 33

An udder. Poor kid, he'll be scarred for life.

oj101 33

Randomness is not everyone's cup of toaster.

omgitsmoe 26
InfamousRaider 15

You automatically assume that the kid was a boy. It could've been a girl.

Uh no.. an udder is part of a cow.. and cows are all females.. bulls are male. So they were saying shes a female, actually.

Ignore my comment.. I read the person-above-me's comment wrong and didn't have enough time to edit my previous comment. Sorry.

37- When someone says " kid" it's generally a boy. You usually just say "girl" if it a girl.

suboy 10

This fml is way to vague. Cant figure out the gender of OP or the kid.

TayonaC 10

well because op said bathing suit, I think its okay to assume they are female. most guys would say trunks. and that would make he child a boy...

Jelbeztok 17

Am I the only one who can see the male sign at the top of the FML? OP's a guy.

Simple. Yank his pants down and spartan kick him in the chest as hard as you can to project your manliness.

Assuming OP is a person of moderate strength, that would most likely kill the child. I assume your comment is somewhat in jest, but if you touch someone's child, they're bound to show up instantly and threaten to sue you for being a pervert, if not seriously injuring their child.

Threatening to sue.. Just another day in the USA..

I think it's a girl cause OP said bathing suit and most guys would just say trunks or something.

SumBur 11

Oh, Buzz Killington. I didn't see you there.

If someone spartan kicked my child I can assure you I would not threaten to sue. I would Luke Skywalker that sucker

IworkAt711 14

46- I dont see how getting your hand cut off and kissing your sister would do anything.

mif_fml 27

I hope it didn't scare the child..

olpally 32

I hope you pulled them back up and cut in front of him/her and went down the slide before him/her. What a little shit.

Nope, OP totally just went in their birthday suit for the rest of the day...

OP here, he was behind me the whole time (he blamed it on his sister). Thankfully, he only pulled it down enough to expose my butt. I pulled my trunks up, but I didn't say anything and just acted as if he wasn't there.

olpally 32

Good job op! Lol. Glad it wasn't that bad then!

"Trunks". Well that's certainly settled a few disputes, most people are under the impression you're a girl. It's probably just wishful thinking.

Maybe. I'm a girl and I wear swim trunks xD Edit: Ah, OP is a guy! Didn't see his later response to #19.

SparklyCuntt 12

women were swim trunks too dumbass. but yeah op is a guy.

Now the question is.... Why doesn't a 10 year old boy know what is down there? Since OP is a guy.

Smoldering 15

Can't they see the gender sign in the left corner? #66 how can they miss it?

@76 Maybe the "little kid" was a girl?

ZombieInConverse 13

Where the hell were his parents?

Probably somewhere else...relaxing, not following their child around at a pool. Depending on the pool, lots of parents let their kids do their own thing and they sit there and relax.

Holy Hell, #23. Do you know how unbearably crowded the water park would be if every kid had an adult holding their hand?

suboy 10
MEM0817 18

Poor kid was probably traumatized. *light sarcasm on the word poor*

upallnight11 19

And... Did he get a good look of what's down there?