By knee pain - 09/12/2013 19:17 - United States

Today, I woke up in my hospital bed after having knee surgery, on the wrong knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 098
You deserved it 4 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the few times I would actually suggest suing. I have heard stories of people drawing arrows and notes on themselves to ensure the surgeons work on the correct limb.

AngelLovesDerby 10

OMG! I would kill!!!! So sorry to hear OP!!


Malpractice lawsuit. I'm sorry that happened to you.

OMG OP! I sure hope you get compensated for all the mess you are going through!

I would sue them. That is really stupid on their part

That's classified as a "never event" as in something that should never, ever happen. Please contact a lawyer specializing in medical malpractice cases and sue, sue, sue.

Get that money!! That sucks OP, I've had my acl torn 3 times a d surgery was never fun but to have it on the wrong knee...I can't imagine

I'm not one for lawsuits normally.. but DUDE! You need to SUE! If you paid for the surgery, sue for the price of the surgery too! PLUS interest for "emotional distress"!

Oh that idiotic doc. May his soul rest in peace..!

I smell a lawsuit. But yeah, definitely sue. They're professionals and they should know what they're doing.

elly21 4

I would die, I'm sorry to hear that