By Bird - 21/11/2017 21:54

Today, I woke up, walked outside, and tripped over my dead cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 494
You deserved it 383

Achicken123 tells us more.

I have no clue what happened, she was so young and one day she just stopped doing cat things. None of the vets we went to could find anything. At least she passed in her sleep while somewhere she loved.

Top comments

While it's never cool to unexpectedly lose a beloved pet, I can't help but feel that your cat trolled you one last time by causing you to trip over it in a spot you didn't expect it to be.


TeachAllTheMath 19

I have no clue what happened, she was so young and one day she just stopped doing cat things. None of the vets we went to could find anything. At least she passed in her sleep while somewhere she loved.

I had something similar happen to my cat, and the same for a friend of mine. No idea what happened, the vet had a few guesses but we never really knew. Either way, I'm really sorry, losing a pet is hard enough, it's worse to discover it when you aren't expecting it. I hope things look up for you soon, dude.

OP I am so sorry to hear that :( The death of a pet is always so sad. How young was she? I had a kitty die of Fading Kitten Syndrome, could it have been that?

hcditfi5foygy 17

This is sad, but I dont think it belongs on this app because of that reason. I'm sorry for your loss...