By KayPlay - 04/11/2016 13:35 - United States

Today, I wore my best suit to an interview. I was told they didn't have any knight shifts available. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 174
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First FML photo that has made me chuckle, great caption KayPlay!


Agreed finally a first funny caption. But still we need a dislike option, how can u measure succes if there is no space for criticism? Don't be a trump give us a dislike button so we can like it.

I agree completely! Add a dislike button

good caption, kind of shows how hard it can be since the runner up is like really really bad. It would have been better not to mention it.

Agreed, #13. And what's with the runner-up's username? What is a Tripartita, anyway? Sounds all latiny.

Hey Tripartita, check out Tripartita's profile. It says it on there.

Ah, I love the play on words. Though, I thought we we would be getting actual photos of FML situations? Not stock photos?