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By Anonymous - 03/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I was about to lose my virginity with my girlfriend of two years, when I got an urgent phone call from my 9-year-old sister, telling me I had to come home immediately. My grandma fell off the toilet and got stuck between the bowl and the wall. I'm not making this up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 307 395
You deserved it 20 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sad. I hope your grandma's alright! You're such a sweet boy for going home to help her. I'll take your virginity ;) Haha jk.

shortandloud 0

That sucks about not getting sex but I have to say that the whole getting stuck between the bowl and the wall is pretty hilarious.


lifeisfuckedup 0

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Maybe they started dating when they were very young... anyway this is pretty funny and sad, cockblocked by grandma falling off the toilet....

actually, he never said he helped her and didn't lose his virginity...

beasting 0

this made me laugh so super ******* hard omg XD

terranada 3

if he hadn't helped her this wouldn't be am fml

coffeygirl12 14

haha 262 u look like Justin bieber ...

coffeygirl12 14

hahaa but it's true. soo bye (:

Hankjeter 0

If a comment has positive thumbs, I thumb it up. If it's negative, it goes down.

ONExLOVE_fml 4

What the hell is the whole point of putting a Z at the end of LOL?

I accidentally thumbed this up when I meant to thumb it down ._.

People who act like that haven't lost there v card yet

To #1 that comment makes you look like a toss and the op even better... Seriously you're an idiot

@1 Im sure waiting and making losing your virginity that special moment when you know you want to stay with this person forever shouldn't be rushed, you should stop trying to be like the idiots of society and be normal for once

they could've been from ages 14-16 an are actually responsible enough.

wallythedolly 0

F your grandma's life. Today, I fell off the toilet and got stuck between it and the wall. I'm not making this up. My grandson had to come home from his date with his girlfriend to rescue me. FML.

SHUT THE **** UP this is supossed to be a funny FML.

lol this hilarious compared 2 the original

rockyraccoon28 8

haha. that is awesome. but seriously, poor grandma!

260, you're pretty :) until i opened your picture

newmrspattinson 0

says the person without a profile picture

stupidmonkey80 0

HEY 261 yeah why are you talking you don't even have a picture!

Georgieeporgiee 9

WTF is a bowl? Because I'm guessing you don't mean the type that you eat ice-cream from...

wouldn't it be odd if you two were grandma and grandson

MickGold 8

302- 261 don't have a pic cuz they know no one wants to see their face and that's why they have to make other people feel like shit. To take out their insecurities out on others. 260- you are beautiful. **** those assholes who say otherwise(:

That's sad. I hope your grandma's alright! You're such a sweet boy for going home to help her. I'll take your virginity ;) Haha jk.

hence the name OP, I hope you swiped your v card

shortandloud 0

That sucks about not getting sex but I have to say that the whole getting stuck between the bowl and the wall is pretty hilarious.

Poor grandma! If you've been in the relationship for 2 years and have both decided that you're ready, it will happen. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. It's good that you helped out Grandma when she needed it.

AWW, poor her!! Was she okay? :( And your situations kind of sucked too, but you were being a good grandson'll have other opportunities to be with your girlfriend. And I totally believe this happened xP. My dad once fainted in the bathroom, and his head went through the glass shower door.

HamsteronA 0

what was he doing that made him faint? was his arm to sore from rubbing?

Meh. Annoying, but if you were both ready anyway, you'll have another chance soon enough. At least you didn't ignore your grandma, that'd have been a dick thing to do.