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By Rachel Todd - 06/04/2017 14:29

Today, I worked for 9 hours, walking up and down stairs and surviving. I get off work, come home, pour a glass of wine, and manage to fall down a small staircase in my house, spilling the wine everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 988
You deserved it 751

Rachel Todd tells us more.

Hey everyone! Let me explain a little bit more of what happened up to the fall. I work in Hollywood, and for a show I was working on, they wanted people running up and down stairs because something happened (can't go into detail due to privacy for the show). Working in Hollywood can create crazy long hours, 9 hours being a "short day". So it being a night shoot, and pretending to run for my life, and being freezing cold, I wanted a glass of wine at 4am when I got home. As my mom said "you really need to start getting injured on the clock.. " haha


Emiweb 9
theend2 5

That's the universe telling you you're cut off

That's the universe (or her legs) telling her she went up and down too many damn steps in one day.

May I ask what job you have that requires you to walk up and down many flights of stairs?

lezlgcy 0

Hey, at least it wasn't the whole bottle!!! It, wasn't the whole bottle, was it?

lezlgcy 0

You work at the Empire State Building by chance? If yes, F the wine you'd have to shoot heroin to relax after running up and down those stairs.....???No elevator???

Hey everyone! Let me explain a little bit more of what happened up to the fall. I work in Hollywood, and for a show I was working on, they wanted people running up and down stairs because something happened (can't go into detail due to privacy for the show). Working in Hollywood can create crazy long hours, 9 hours being a "short day". So it being a night shoot, and pretending to run for my life, and being freezing cold, I wanted a glass of wine at 4am when I got home. As my mom said "you really need to start getting injured on the clock.. " haha

Being an extra is so fun... Thanks for the follow-up!