By jaivolétonnez - 17/06/2015 05:54 - France - La Courneuve
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Why not to mess with kids. Reason#384562
I reckon if the kid was old enough to pull a stunt like that, he was definitely too old to do that trick to...
Wait... You're allowed to socially interact with someone else's children in France? Without being accused of being a pedophile?!?
France loves to protect pedophiles. There's a reason Roman Polanski fled to there.
So sad how true this is. Can't even look at a child and smile without the parents staring you down like you're going to kidnap their precious wallet-draining snot factory.
32, that's probably the best description of a child I've ever heard!
So true. If you even come near a kid, you're called a pedophile
#4 yours must be an awful place.
Lol I wouldn't truly know... I studiously ignore all children that are not my relations while in public, just in case. I've never had an incident or anything.
You want your keys back. He wants his nose back. Fair trade I say.
Your profile pictures are disturbing but awesome.
Enjoy while french kids don't learn how to stab you, like the brazilians do on our trains :(
Pickpocket level : over 9000
And the whole time I'm wondering what the kid's mom/dad was doing while this was taking place.
Probably being somewhere not on the train / platform.
I mean some parents let their kids take public transport alone... I live in Canada and have seen a few kids alone on a bus in my city. mind you, a suburb. I've never seen a kid alone in a big city
In that case, I apologise. Where I'm from, you don't really see kids of "nose stealing age" traveling alone. If the kid is small enough to play that with, I assume that the kid is still pretty young. I can't imagine doing that to a 12-year old.

Wait... You're allowed to socially interact with someone else's children in France? Without being accused of being a pedophile?!?
Take it to the next level. Track him down and then tell him "I've got your life." Evil smile optional. Or something less morbid like his homework. Your choice.