By Callum536 - 22/08/2016 09:51 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, it's my birthday and I'd invited quite a lot of my friends to come round and have some fun. When I got home, I saw a few cars outside. It turned out to be for the neighbours. I waited and waited; none of my friends showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 012
You deserved it 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand how stuff like this happens...even if I had just an acquaintance invite me to something for their birthday I would at least let them know if I couldn't make it. So rude.


That's too bad ☹️ I like your name though! It's also my boyfriends name ?

Diamond_don 18

But when they need you they get made when you say no .. I wonder why..

Dr House would never say sorry to anyone (except maybe Wilson). You've been found out, imposter.

Happy birthday! Hopefully you still have fun & enjoy yourself OP ? don't let others steal your joy.

hilamonster06 21

Sounds to me like you need better friends. Happy Birthday ? ? Hope it's a good one.

That really sucks OP ? Hope you had/have a happy birthday though!

that's sad, maybe this is a sign that they were never really friends of yours and you should find a few friends that are down to earth and worthy of your trust