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By xero_art - 26/06/2009 09:51 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 530
You deserved it 62

Top comments

Ouch, man. At least the album ended up safely in your hands at the end.

Awww. And then at Christmas, you could pawn your heirloom pocket watch so you could buy her some ornate haircombs for her long beautiful hair, and meanwhile, she cuts and sells her hair to buy you a chain for your heirloom pocket watch - what a riot! Oh, Henry, the IRONY!!!


If this was eBay, you would have seen the username of the person who outbid you. So, Y both DI for not keeping up to date with each other's online lives.

CyclonePsycho 1

...She could've made a new account...


When I use eBay I see 7.99 by user uu889998 6.99 by user h88hh88jhj 5.56 by user uu889998 They conceal them now, cuz we were bidder uST6676f but that wasnt our log in name

lol im sure you'd know your wifes ebay name.

Whirling_Kumquat 0

How is this an FML??? At least you got it in the end. Just not in the way you expected...

It's hardly a present if she's using your money to buy it. Make her pay the bill.

i thought when you get married the money is like shared.. "everything becomes one" "w WE dont have enough money to buy that"

KonM4N4Life 0

Thats what you get for calling your wife a jerk.. LOL

This is why couples need to discuss financial actions. Even those as run of the mill as a bid on an item, via an internet auction.

lpro 10

It was a birthday present. It's a surprise. "Babe I'm going to surprise you with Beatles album" isn't a very good surprise.

lol omg that is unfortunate. Atleast you got the album right?

ChocolatexGames 0

you guys dont know each others Ebay account names? and you were going to pay for it, so dont whine, at least she even got you a awesomeful present!

fxdxhk90 0

So you got the album, why are you bitching?

Waaaay too many idiots on this site.

xNatsuki 0

Sucks that she used your credit card for it. :) but it was nice of her to fight so hard for it for you? I mean come on, she went against you without even knowing it. Probably thought you were a jerk too.

lolzforfun228 3