By Greeeaaattt - 03/01/2019 16:00
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
By Greeeaaattt - 03/01/2019 16:00
For his birthday take a massive dump in the toilet and call him over so you can see it get flushed together. That should be his birthday present.
Dear fellow women, When you realise you’re dating a man child, sit him down and explain that that shit ain’t gonna fly or leave. Don’t marry him for God sake. Demand that your partner take responsibility and does things around the house - men are just as capable of doing housework and if he claims otherwise he is full of shit. I pains me to see all these women who have become their partner’s caretaker. My sister just went through a similar relationship and I don’t understand why any you put up with it.
What an asswipe.