By chachaxxx - 09/11/2011 11:35 - Mexico
Top comments
It could have been much, much worse. Do any of you know (Beware: only visit if you have time ;-)) Under neat that Best wishes ;-))
My name is Marie and if I got that cake from my bf I would laugh and tell him it's cool lol.
Ya that sucks but if you explain what happened and why it says in Italy I think it's actually something to laugh about rather than be upset
Is the baker Italian? You'd need a pretty stiff accent to hear italics as Italy! Well if he were Italian, at least the cake's bound to be good, right? Just eat it with Marie
"hint, hint, wink, wink" it's time to marry in Italy!
Order takers can be idiots. Case in point, I once ordered a pizza with the works, the only difference between the two halves being one had olives and the other didn't. I received a pizza with one half the works, and the other half nothing but olives.
too funny, sorry this happen to you

I swear cake decoraters just write whatever it is they think they hear. Even if it makes no sense at all when written out.
"Happy Birthday Diane And Use a Pretty Font"