By krystal - 27/10/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, it's the third day of my dad's revenge after he snapped over me supposedly using the word "duh" in every other sentence. He got his hands on my old recorder and has been playing it loudly and out of tune outside my room when I try to do my homework. My mom thinks this is hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 964
You deserved it 14 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sethro 1

I guess you probably shouldn't say " duh" in every other sentence then.

Well I agree with your mom that is pretty funny.


every1luvsboners 11

While the OP is trying to do homework her dad is playing an old recorder/radio at a high volume that is out of tune with the intention of annoying her while she is studying. Better? Try reading it over and over until it sinks into your brain before commenting and making me go through this trouble, asswhore.

Well repetitive word syndrome is annoying.

It's a phase I luckily skipped. Probably because if I slipped into it I would have been hit upside the head every time I used the word. A recorder sounds like a nice alternative. Head to the pharmacy and get some ear plugs and a thesaurus.

Preventing you from studying will not improve your vocabulary.

who doesn't listen to music while doing homework? if you have to do homework in complete silence then you have add, just sayin...

There's a noticeable difference between listening to actual music and the discordant screeching notes of a badly played recorder.

armywife0609 4

so then get him back play a joke on him maybe it will get him off your back and make it a really good and I have some ideas so let me know ivy need help ; )

ilikepieandpie 11

I hate people who say duh or like constantly. ydi

Break the record, and light it on fire outside his door dancing some tribal dance lol

itsmygoodlife 4

saying the word duh a lot is ******* annoying. and your dad is hilarious