By krystal - 27/10/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, it's the third day of my dad's revenge after he snapped over me supposedly using the word "duh" in every other sentence. He got his hands on my old recorder and has been playing it loudly and out of tune outside my room when I try to do my homework. My mom thinks this is hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 964
You deserved it 14 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sethro 1

I guess you probably shouldn't say " duh" in every other sentence then.

Well I agree with your mom that is pretty funny.


Maybe you shouldn't say duh in every sentence. It's a little rude and arrogant because it's not like you're always right. Especially talking to someone superior to you. So get over yourself and have fun doing your homework :)

kitsune3 20

The word "supposedly" slipped right by you, didn't it? Try reading the fml instead of only taking in every other word. The use of "supposedly" indicates OP doesn't use it as often as her father thinks she does, and therefore the reaction her father had was unfair and rude.

My mother would do the same with my guitar or keyboard

its their house, they can do what they want! go to the library or a friends house

or she uses it that much and doesnt notice

mthurston 14

Stab him in the ******* face!