By thefailure - 02/08/2009 04:21 - United States
Top comments
Nice husband-to-be, to have rushed to see if you were okay and help you up...oh yeah, that didn't happen. -.- Sounds kind of like a jerk.
HAHA wow thats all i got to say. Also you must have terrible balancing issues!!!
YESSSSS HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA the sign of a good relationship is when the couple can mock each other freely and no one is an uptight arsehole
Well, this is just plain sad. Be a good American now and sue him for emotional damage :3
Most. Epic. Husband. EVER. That's all I can say
I like rockers I think it's hot when can we meet
That is like the stupidest thing to say out loud...
Although I laughed quite hard at this FML, it really sucks he didn't pick you up. Haha, this stuff happens in comedies, you'd say, but nooo :D